WNY Autocross 5/6 NCCC


:forhead slap: I didn’t realize that “MPD47” was there or I would have made it a point to introduce myself. I won’t be antisocial next time. :tup:

Cassie I was trying to find a chance to take you up on your ride along offer but never got to. Does it still stand for next time? :slight_smile:


Of course it does! I love taking people out with me, so long as they can stand me blaring music and talking to the car the entire time. Yes. I talk to the car while I’m running.


I always feel anti-social when I am at Auto-X’s because I don’t know that many people, and don’t want to be “that guy” that noone likes because he is annoying. Lol


Seriously, feel free to come up and say hi and hang out with our group. I’m not shy, I just have problems putting peoples forum names to their cars in person, so I typically don’t just start walking up to people and introducing myself unless I’m specifically know what I’m looking for, ala James this last weekend :slight_smile: I certainly don’t want anyone to feel left out or lonely at such a social type of event!