WNY Autocross 5/6 NCCC

MPD47, u were driving the TT 350z right? i def. saw a few cones go down in ur hands lol. i was gonna come over and say whats up to u guys but i never made it over. next time ill introduce myself

I’m kicking myself now for not getting a ride along with Mike… gr!

It was fun watching him (in a very controlled manner, else I would never say this about someone) drifting through the second half of the loop all the way through the finish line. Maybe it was a good thing the psgr side window wouldn’t roll down… less smoke in the cabin :stuck_out_tongue:

Speaking of Tokyo Drifting… anyone know the Novice in the silver 350z? I’m just curious to know why I never saw him with an instructor. He could have taken one, but everytime I saw his runs I never saw a passenger.

Lastly… is it legal to take a minor as your passenger when you run?

as long as a guardian signs the waiver i cant see why there would be an issue.

that guy in the silver 350z was a little nuts, he didnt even look like he WANTED to learn how to drive.

When you say “minor”, are you talking 17 years old, or 12 years old? We’d probably let the 17 go, but not the 12.

The silver 360z was on thin ice. Jon talked to him about cooling is jets a little. It’s an autox, not a drift competition.

  1. The silver 350z eventually got a talking to from the event chair. Autocross is not a drift session. When you spin at the finish once, it’s a mistake. When you intentionally go full throttle to see how far out you can get the tail 4 runs in a row, it’s not a mistake.

  2. According to the SCCA rules anyone who is an eligible competitor can go for a ride along. We have formula junior carts, so yes, minors can go for ride alongs. HOWEVER, that has to be cleared with the event chair or safety steward. Generally if you have an “N” on the side of your car you’re not going to be taking passengers other than an instructor.

From the rule book:

C. A passenger is allowed provided he/she: is no younger than
twelve (12) years old; is in a vehicle which has passed tech
inspection; is wearing a properly fitted seat belt and a properly
fitted helmet; he/she (or parent/guardian, as appropriate) has
completed and signed the required participant waiver(s). In general,
a passenger should be either a student riding with an instructor
or an instructor riding with a student during an instructional
run (as in a Solo drivers’ school). However, it should also
be noted that some Regions allow passengers in order to acquaint
newcomers with the sport. As long as the passenger meets all of
the above requirements, he/she would be allowed at Regional
events where a passenger is permitted. Passengers are not
allowed during competition runs in Divisional, National Tour, and
National Solo events.


From the rule book:


Why would you ever look there for an answer? Isn’t better to ramble off as many questions as possible?

I would rather people ask questions (especially ones like this) instead of reading the book and assuming that they can do it.


I would rather people ask questions (especially ones like this) instead of reading the book and assuming that they can do it.



I could have easily checked the rule book, but I just remembered about it while I was posting, so I figured I’d just throw it up there. Besides, might as well have other people aware of the rule, instead of just me.

I ask because I did see one guy running with a very young kid as a passenger… he was definitely around the 12-year old range. I asked over the radio if someone could clarify if it was allowed or not, and no one answered back. I never saw him run with the kid again, though.


MPD47, u were driving the TT 350z right? i def. saw a few cones go down in ur hands lol. i was gonna come over and say whats up to u guys but i never made it over. next time ill introduce myself


Yeah, there was one run where I mowed down +4 or something, my second run of the day IIRC. I wasnt even out of the left right and I had grabbed one or two. Still learning 100% where the front of the Z is. Other than that, I grabbed the final gate of the loop around’s outside cone consistently with my passengers 1/4 panel.

I have marks all down the side of my car from cones I hit by overshooting the drift a little. Time to get it washed.

:forhead slap: I didn’t realize that “MPD47” was there or I would have made it a point to introduce myself. I won’t be antisocial next time. :tup:

Cassie I was trying to find a chance to take you up on your ride along offer but never got to. Does it still stand for next time? :slight_smile:

I always feel anti-social when I am at Auto-X’s because I don’t know that many people, and don’t want to be “that guy” that noone likes because he is annoying. Lol

I’ll see everyone at ECC-N on the 20th though, as long as my clutch issue is resolved by then. Bleeding did nothing, there was no air, so I’m moving on to the master cylinder.

I feel anti-social because I am stuck in the timing truck all day. I wish I had more time to go for rides with people.


I always feel anti-social when I am at Auto-X’s because I don’t know that many people, and don’t want to be “that guy” that noone likes because he is annoying. Lol

I’ll see everyone at ECC-N on the 20th though, as long as my clutch issue is resolved by then. Bleeding did nothing, there was no air, so I’m moving on to the master cylinder.


Nooooo. :slight_smile: I much prefer people who will come say hi to “that guy” who doesn’t try to meet anyone.


:forhead slap: I didn’t realize that “MPD47” was there or I would have made it a point to introduce myself. I won’t be antisocial next time. :tup:

Cassie I was trying to find a chance to take you up on your ride along offer but never got to. Does it still stand for next time? :slight_smile:


Of course it does! I love taking people out with me, so long as they can stand me blaring music and talking to the car the entire time. Yes. I talk to the car while I’m running.


I always feel anti-social when I am at Auto-X’s because I don’t know that many people, and don’t want to be “that guy” that noone likes because he is annoying. Lol


Seriously, feel free to come up and say hi and hang out with our group. I’m not shy, I just have problems putting peoples forum names to their cars in person, so I typically don’t just start walking up to people and introducing myself unless I’m specifically know what I’m looking for, ala James this last weekend :slight_smile: I certainly don’t want anyone to feel left out or lonely at such a social type of event!

I don’t feel the love here…you never offer me a ride :frowning:


I don’t feel the love here…you never offer me a ride :frowning:



If you feel secure enough in your manhood to get thrown around the course by a girl in her pink-wheeled Boxster, all you have to do is show up next to my car before my run or preferrably while I’m in grid with a helmet in your hand, and ask for a ride. That’s all it takes, I promise!

What I really want is a chance to take it for a spin. I’ll trade you for a spin in the civic, when (if) we get it running.

next time im gonna wanna do a few ride alongs with experienced ppl. i need it deperately