WNY Autocross 5/6 NCCC

I will be out of town on Sunday :frowning: But good luck everyone :slight_smile: have fun!!

this is gonna be my first time out on my new to me car wh00t wh00t.

What car did you get?

how late do these events usually go for?

I work til 3 i believe Sunday afternoon…but if it’ll still be going on for a while after that i’ll probably stop up to spectate…

Also, i’d have to find out where N trip is and where on the campus this is taking place…in what lot i mean…


how late do these events usually go for?

I work til 3 i believe Sunday afternoon…but if it’ll still be going on for a while after that i’ll probably stop up to spectate…

Also, i’d have to find out where N trip is and where on the campus this is taking place…in what lot i mean…


It’s usually the “back” lot.

I’ll be there burning more of my snow tires off. At the rate they are wearing I might only get two more events out of them. :lol:


I’ll be there burning more of my snow tires off. At the rate they are wearing I might only get two more events out of them. :lol:


If i go i will be rocking my blizzaks as well dude.


so since this is my first time, who will be riding with me to show me the ropes?


I will share a ride if you want. otherwise it looks like im a no go


I’ll be there burning more of my snow tires off.


You may not be alone. Depends on if the suspension gets here/installed in time.

I started my first season last year on the PZero Rosso’s that were on the car when I bought it… went through those in like, oh… 7-8 events.

We will be done runing by 4pm

^ too bad for the noise issue, or I’d say start a little early and be done by 2 for the game. :wink:


What car did you get?


rwd convertible non-honda lol

how come you don’t put a pic of my si in your sig that you co-drive w/ me last year at rit lol. I guess its not good enough :-p

Jim, shocks pending this week…damn backorder. If they come this week, we’re good to go for sunday.

I may come hang out for a bit, but as I’m lacking a car I wont be participating.

who knows i might be there, unless i get bumped and lose my privledges driving the beetle to jim

in I will be bringing a television to watch the game

Bah, I don’t think I’m making it. Between the clutch issue that may or may not be fixed by simple bleeding, and the game, I’m gonna stay home.

Plus, I’ve got no friends who want to come with me, and I get lonely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Scratch that, I’ll be there driving :slight_smile: Thanks to people who let me drive their cars. :tup:

^^ What a fool…first he lets me drive it, now you. :wink: