WNY garbage nights?

lol dude if you live within a radius of 15 miles of east aurora, you know tiny.

probably because he picked your garbage, that or something fell off his truck and caused damage to your vehicle, persay a GRILL, maybe an OIL DRUM.

??? since when is garbage picking illegal…numerous cops passed me and my friends when we used to garbage pick back in the day and nothing was ever said

depends on the section of cheektovegas, mine is friday morning pick up. and i live over by genesee and harlem.

I read like three posts in here, don’t you realize that every time you post it goes OT? No one likes you, you are poor, you suck at life. No one will get infractions for anything posted in your threads, because yet again you suck.

PLEASE JUST GO THE FUCK AWAY. Honestly we don’t want you and your POS that you call a car on this board. Your brake pads are probably smarter than you are.

WOW a whole $150 a week… you are wealthy! Get a job.

Please Don’t next time.

See above, and find it from other sources next time.

For everyone else, sorry for the double post.

OMGZ yor gonna get an infraction cause you double posted in ldiablo’s thread !

The metal scrappers are crazy here in West Seneca.

At least 5 different POS pickup trucks drive around every night of the week, not just garbage night.

They grab anything. I had a ripped in half aluminum gutter, that weighed probably half a pound. They grabbed that in one minute.

When I put an old gas grill out to the front, you would have thought it was a buffet, two guys were fighting over it.

I watched a guy spend about 15 minutes taking apart a grill. How much is it really worth to spend that much time with your truck running dismantling it?

Cheektowaga/Sloan (by JFK HS) is Monday night for Tuesday am pickup.

Maybe you need to go back to school since you obviously missed numerous threads stating my car has been gone for months. I would hope you don’t want me cause I don’t go that way. I don’t have brake pads. And infractions where also given out on my last post yet again missed by your inability to read.

You should join him in going back to school as well.

And there are answers in this thread which I didn’t get elsewhere so I’ll just keep posting threads and you can continue to e thug your way through them like it will cause any type of mental of physical harm to me.

Thank you to the other people.

^ Fggt hard ass cop. Get out of my city.

Why doesn’t anyone like this dude?

by the mall its tuesday night wed night pickup, after i put my old fridge at the end of my driveway a few weeks ago, literally 15 minutes later 4 guys came put it on the trailer and i was watching them and the one guys like GO GO GO like i was going to chase them =p


Cops like him should be reevaluated and giving a job answering 911 calls or something. I am sure there are real crimes going on in that city while he is writing a measly fucking ticket to someone picking garbage, just to meet his quota.

I bet he’s a huge pussy when he takes the badge off. Prolly got picked on in high school, so now he wants his “revenge”.

Lancaster HS area is Sunday night. Central avenue in village of Lancaster is Tuesday night.

By the way, whats wrong with garbage pickers? If they don’t take it it’ll either end up in a landfill wasting space or recycled by the garbage company.

Exactly, in some places you can be find for taking stuff from the recylclable bins but never heard of anything else. Once its on the front lawn its on city property. When I take tv’s apart I usually just pop them open with a screwdriver and put the back over it when I’m done or take the whole thing I’m not like most people who will take a hammer to it and make a mess. Metal prices are the way they are like many other things because of recycling, only reason its considered wrong is probably because noone gives back tax money everytime they scrap.

Diablo FYI

scrap steel and iron is only going for $20 a ton right now. Over the summer I was getting $240. It’s definatly not worth it now. I bet the copper wire your getting is worth less then $2/lb, assuming it’s No.3 copper.

There was an article in the Tonawanda news that said the city is losing 20k a year from scrappers taking large appliances that the city would scrap themselves.

Thats why that fggt cop gets a boner over garbage pickers.

We pay for the city to take our trash away then they trade it in for even more money. I say fuck them.