WNY Novice school 6/2

I made a very brief appearance today, just to pick up my chair that I forgot from the last event. Spent most of the day with a chainsaw and hedge trimmer, jumping in the pool every hour or so to prevent from bursting into flames. You guys were all down at the far end of the lot driving around in what looked like a directionally challenged parade.

ding round 2!

I’ll probably only be staying for 3 runs. Lots of wedding/honeymoon stuff to get done before Friday. :tdown:

Stupid getting married getting in the way of racing. :tdown: :wink:

:word: That was a fun course, but now I’m home wrapping groomsmen gifts instead of out fishing for cones. And let me tell ya, they were biting this morning… :rofl:

:tup: definitely a lot more comfortable now that I had an opportunity to feel how the car reacts to extreme situations.

thanks instructors/crew

I went to the BMW event down at MCC today… got in 6 runs, and we were done and out by 2:30. Which was good because the rain set in at 3:30ish. In the end I had the 8th fastest time of the day, and either 1st or 2nd in Porsche class.

I think i took 2nd today in ES. sucks that my competition is a great driver and have well prepared car to boot lol.

That doesn’t suck, it makes you get faster!

Although I admit it is definitely a daunting task keeping up with his setup and driving, especially without slicks.

Results are up!

Holy cow… that’s a lot of off courses! Edit: Just did some quick counting… 44/80 people went off course at least once… 55% of the drivers!

And what’s with so many DNF’s too? Like the last two people in Novice?

DNF = my vengeance against those that don’t report for work assignments. For each run you must report for one work assignment. For each missed work assignment, you loose your fastest run. If you are not sure how many you have, just ask the worker chief. The event can’t run if people don’t do their part. :slight_smile:

Fear the wrath of 666SM. No, seriously. Fear it.

The course had the same ‘odd’ crossover as the afternoon novices course. It bit a lot of people in the ass at one time or another (including myself). This was really a course where you needed to pick a few key things to remember, look ahead, and then you were all good.

speaking of you never fixed that for event 1. :2fingers: :wink:

I had to leave early but did work for all the runs i made.

Ahhh, gotcha. Good to see some enforcement on no-show workers!

was it that black camaro in stu yesterday? :slight_smile:

sweet, we’re up to 5 if you get in stu as well with the addition of the guy with the '07 sti from toronto :tup:

edit: and wow i did bad on the novice school course, was 2 seconds faster on sunday and that course was definitely harder with the offset slaloms

wait, what?! An entire other car?

Nope, it was totally that black camaro with the big wing… he was wearing a facemask so we couldn’t tell it was him. Also he ran novice to further throw it off, and ran slower, very very sneaky.

I’m sorry to go off topic here but that is some funny shit right there!

wait, what?! An entire other car?

Yep, debating if I want to run it in FS, ESP or STU… could also qualify for the America’s cup :wink: