WNY SCCA 2008 Autox Season and ***NOVICE SCHOOL***


or as found in the FAQ:

I do! And the nice thing about mine is it talks directly about our FLR and WNY regions :slight_smile:

Just wanted to make sure that the “less than 3 events” point doesn’t hold someone with 4-6 events back from signing up. It’s not a strictly enforced item. So if have a half season or so under your belt, feel free to sign up and learn to get faster!

And thank you Jeremy (fairgentleman Z) for taking the “my car isn’t ready” excuse out of the equation.

FYI, the wny website is down, it will be coming back slowly over the next few days. registration is our top priority, but again, email sureshot007 to register for the novice school.

1 spot taken.

Registration is up http://www.wny-scca.com/soloreg
Any problems, just let me know.

Good times…good times.

Can I take a spot? I need to learn how to drive. :slight_smile:

OT: I miss you!!! Are you going to come out for some WNY events this year? bring your wifey and baby :slight_smile:

Lol. Yeah I will be out to a few events in fabulous WNY this year. :slight_smile:

New site will hopefully be usable by the end of the weekend. Again, soloreg is up and running at wny-scca.com/soloreg . Spread the word

The new website is up and running.


Info available for the novice school:


If I am there you can drive my GTI is is slightly more manley than your wifes protege. I don’t have any pvc ducting on it… yet, but you shoulld be comfortable in another VeeDub

Bump for spots still available.

My car won’t be together for this. :frowning:

I’ll be lucky if my car will be together for this.

However, there may still be a spot available with Jeremy (fairgentleman Z), so if you want to do it and don’t have a car, contact him.

ok so i have a question, i just ordered new tires (dunlop Direzza Z1’s) and it is currently “qualifying” for use in SCCA events can i still run on the 20th?

Sure. Locally, we aren’t going to be as tight about those things as a tour or pro event.