WNY SCCA 2008 Autox Season and ***NOVICE SCHOOL***

I had to change the link because I accidentally deleted the thread…

TurnerFreak… What class do you plan on running in?

stock i hope i have not looked at the qualifications for the classes but i have nothing done to my car except sticky tires

Still stock.

Bump for last call on Novice School.

I think sureshot007 is getting a little excited.

… me too. Hope all the new installs go well or I might not make it.

There has been a good lul since the last event, which was a rallyx that got cut short due to cars getting stuck in the slop. So I have been itching to race something for a little while now.

i just pm’d fairgentlemanz about the car he is lending out. as soon as I hear back, I will register.

i hope my tires get here in time

my car wont be together enough in time for sunday. still need to get a battery tie down and i dunno if my rims will be done by then. : (

If it runs and has tires, bring it. You don’t need to have the fastest car to learn the basics. It’s more important to get the seat time.

dont you need a battery tie down tho?

Every car made has one I do believe…

haha yeah my car didnt come with one lmao. but not sure if ill make it anyway i have so much shit to finish on my car within the next few weekends

looking forward to Sunday :slight_smile:

my tires didnt wont be here in time now i have to run the ones i have now :cry:

Ugh if I started auto-x now I’d be in some fucked up class I think :frowning:

what mods do you have? Don’t worry about classing, just go have fun and learn how to drive.

cup kit, intake, exhaust, short shifter. I wanna gooooo

i dont know much about the classing, but you might qualify for something like stx, which your car would probably be decently competitive in.