WNY SCCA 2008 Autox Season and ***NOVICE SCHOOL***

my car may be competitive in it, but what about me? I’ve never done any type of racing like this before.

That’s what the novice school is about. And you won’t ever get any better if you don’t try. If you want to register for novice school, email me.

Thanks again.

If i get my tires in time i am in for novice school, which i doubt…

but other wise i got a new camera and a new lens, so i should be up there to take pics.

See you all there :slight_smile:

+1 Chances are no matter what class you are in, you aren’t going to win anyway. Certainly not trying to knock you, but I don’t know anyone who has gone to their first event and won their class (unless there were no other participants). I’m sure it happens, but not often.

Fuck, going on my fourth year and I’m still lucky to get second to last sigh… blasted AS.

Oh I don’t care one bit whether I win or not, I just don’t understand how the whole thing works and I’d just rather have fun rather than be frustrated the whole time.

The class you’ll be in is “novice.” Your times will be compared against all the other n00bs. Next year you will be in a real class.

Don’t worry about it. You won’t be frustrated. I always just wound up racing myself. My goal for every day was to get better with each run, and by about halfway through I’d have a time goal for my final run.

FWIW I think I was 15 seconds behind FTD (Fastest Time of the Day) at my first event and I had a fucking blast.

yeah, my first time out I was just trying to do better than my previous times. I didn’t do half-bad either. I was faster than some other people that were there, so I was happy.

Yea… don’t sweat winning right away, but you will care eventually. Just go out, have fun and try and improve on your own times.

I didn’t really get competitive until my 3rd year really, its all about getting to know the people in your class and having fun with it. Don’ be bashful about hitting some cones, everyone does it, no one cares (unless you rack up 10 or so in a single run lol).

Also don’t worry about looking slow or bad or w/e, everyone else in concerned about themselves and their times they aren’t watching you :slight_smile:

edit: DEF go to novice school you will get more seat time than 3 events, and lots of instructor time.

I can’t wait!

Last call for novice school registration - I am going out for dinner, and when I get back, I’m closing registration.

how many people are registered jim?


charging my camera right now… good luck to everyone at novice school for a fun successful day :slight_smile:

good times, i learned a lot

it was great today and a good turn out!

A good time indeed, perfect weather.

Had a blast, as usual. The novices did great, I was very impressed with (almost) everyone. Very few people tried showboating, and even those people realized how much they had to learn very quickly.

Thanks to everyone that I worked with :slight_smile:

I had a great time! Learned a good bit. My times I felt were pretty good considering I had blown struts. :lol: