WNY SCCA 2008 Autox Season and ***NOVICE SCHOOL***

I had fun :slight_smile: I got a nice tan too

hu?!?!?! You had a better instructor all I got was advice on how to drive.

Oh ya I did mange decent times as well as looking like I could be in contention for the cone killing contest this season.

I had fun and learned a lot on the two half courses, too bad I couldn’t learn to look ahead and not get lost on the full course, lol. Good experience though. :tup:


Lots of people got lost on that course, it was a tough one. Like you said, it was a true test of looking ahead.

Who has the pics or vids?

You will be fine…your concepts you learned and applied about not getting “late” through the slaloms and turns will really shine through once you get the seat time man. The more you go, the easier it will get.

Everyone who came…I can’t stress that seat time is a huge factor on driving well. The more you do it, the more fun it really gets because you will start to see from a mile away where you had made mistakes, and you will want to keep running and running again till you get it right. Hope you all had fun and I better see all of you again. :slight_smile:

ot note: Shoebox honda fits are a ton of fun to auto-x.

the only 2 that i took

on a side note if i were to put on coilovers (cause i hate the wheel gap and the soft suspension of this car) is that going to put me in CSP category? i have been told so. if thats the case; damn im fucked lol, i will be learning how to do quick swaps of coilovers this year then

Looking ahead is a lot harder than it sounds. This is my second year and today was the first time I was able to start really looking ahead and being able to read the course and plan more than one turn ahead.

I used the walk through to memorize the course so that you know every move you’re going to have to make before you can even see it.

Hardest part for me was telling myself to floor it in some spots where I’d only get half on it.

That was a lot of fun today. I didn’t decide to go until the last minute, thought I’d just be picking up cones but ended up instructing. I had a blast, hope everyone learned something!

Those of you who don’t have your cars in your signatures – who are you and what were you driving?

I believe your car is STS2 legal, assuming street tires.

ps. I forgot to take pictures :frowning:

had fun, car broke, fixed car in napa parking lot, had more fun, car broke again, drove home with less brakes.

I either need to get a new car or start replacing every line in my heap.

but i have a 2.0L not 1.9L

definitely my biggest problem right there.

I was “coasting”. I was afraid to floor it going in and really stomp the brake to slow down before the turns.

what car were you driving?

I stand corrected. Oh well, more people run in CSP locally anyway. There’s not much point in running in an empty class by yourself. :slight_smile:

silver Infiniti G20. I didn’t get to hang out with the cool RWD kids :frowning:

That’s what the launch/brake section was supposed to help with… but unfortunately I saw a lot of people just slowing down instead of coming to a complete stop. Then when I’d ride with them, they were still nervous about using the full capabilities of the brakes, esp right before the 180 turn arounds at the back.

Being aggressive a little past your comfort level is really a tough thing to learn for some people, including me. I’m still working on it, ask Jim or John… it’s been something that I’ve been fighting with from the start. It’s why they still continually beat me in my own car humph

You’ve got a lot to learn your first year or two out… the more comfortable you get with “basic” things (looking ahead, etc), obviously the faster you’ll get. Sometimes I tell myself right at the start line “Just go fast.” Stupid as it sounds, it makes me remember to push my limits a little, or I wont improve. Also, ride with as many instructors as possible… it will make you realize you’ve been driving like it’s a Sunday cruise.

brought my camera… but didnt take any pics since the clouds came over us

Thanks for everyone coming out and helping make the novice school smooth and disaster free. I know there was a moment there where I spun the Evo…let’s just say I spend too much time driving above my comfort level.

If you are a novice, at regular events there will always be instructors available to ride along with you on every run, just like today. So if you had a good time and want to get better, come on out to our next event in 2 weeks. I think everyone did a great job today. I saw a lot of improvement from everyone, and a lot of potential.

Sad part is that I actually did go through the launch/break section correctly. I was practically kissing the cones everytime.

I need to get a ride along with you. I want to be in a car with you when your pushing things.