WNY SCCA 2008 Autox Season and ***NOVICE SCHOOL***

Well, if you have a death wish, I’ll see if I can get Andy to let me take you for a spin in his civic. That’ll put hair on your chest.

well, my chest IS looking pretty bare these days…

Well, if you have a death wish, I’ll see if I can get Andy to let me take you for a spin in his civic. That’ll put hair on your chest.

That will put hair on your chest, and gray it all at the same time :slight_smile: .

The acceleration/breaking section is good for getting some feel from your car, but as far as being aggressive when you are out there, the 10 best ways are ((seat time) X 9) and letting other people drive your car. Its not the same when you ride in someone else’s car, because you can rarely apply the style, line, speeds…etc directly back to your own car. Early on though, just get seat time. Get used to reading courses, finding the ‘tricks’ and getting your times to come down. Ride with people to learn lines, and learn the course and basic technique. When you hit what I’ll call the ‘intermediate wall’ thats when getting people into your driver’s seat really helps.

well jim, that makes one of us who isn’t afraid of my car…I spin here and there but i still don’t think I push it hard enough at times. I’ll get to run 4 and 5 and realize how good the car can be.

In all fairness the car was weak in the braking department. The first time out on the mini course I overshot turn in on the turn around.

I did notice the brake lights early a couple times with you driving. But snow tires don’t exactly offer the best feedback.

Thanks for warning me about the seat belt.

LOL! I had no warning, suprised the hell outta me.

yeah, I think its a correctable habit, I would feel better pushing the limits of the car if I know it a little better too.

That seatbelt caught a few people by surprise lol.

Thanks for the time you spent with me on the slalom, was very helpful. I’m hoping to make it out to the next event and get better at looking ahead.

And props to Jeremy for letting me use his car, that was really cool.

But yeah even the driver’s side seat belt popped out on me once when I was driving, I had an oh shit moment haha.

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