wnyfbody.com back up and running

The only thing i have to say here is that i like the format of the old site… it would be nice for NYfbody to update… but it seems that people are right, the activity seems to be over at Nyfbody, and it seems doubtful to me that everyone is going to go back to the old site. I wasn’t around for the whole fight which resulted in the break up between jay and everyone else. That being said, i dont know the story, nor is it important to me. It happend before my time and therefore it doesnt concern me… Jay is a friend of mine and has been nothing but helpful and friendly to me since i have known him. Both Jay and Bill have welcomed me with open arms, offered me good advice and offered me help with my car since i have met them. Jolester and the crew from nyfbody have been helpful and welcoming to me as well, the F body community to me seems like a bunch of stand up guys, idk why stupid bullshit should get in the way of friendships… but thats just my $.02

I’ll answer these as I see it. I like the vbulletin format much better too. As I write this i’ve sent no less than 3 emails and made 2 threads in the mod/admin section for the old owner to see, no replies yet. I need the server info to upload vbulletin and any other software updates, doing it without this info is a royal PITA. As for people going over to the old wnyfbody, i’m sure people will check it out, thats about it. It was wiped clean ie: it has NO CONTENT, not a good thing. When the only person posting is a 17year old kid with a 12year old maturity level, it will be hard to get it to grow.

Now this part kinda makes me cringe…“That being said, i don’t know the story, nor is it important to me. It happened before my time and therefore it doesn’t concern me.” Knowledge is power, period. It SHOULD concern you. You can never have enough information. You read the big thread about wnyfbody, draw your own conclusions.

I’m sure i’ll see you at meets and at the track this year. We should be a good match N/A vs. N/A, we’ll get some vids up too. Keep posting on newyorkfbody, i’m doing the best I can over here. Thanks!

why dont you do your best and put my password back to what it was or unbann me or w/e you did, i basically offered to go halfs with you and bring the old board back and let the old one die as the old one is a better setup but you wanted no part of it, and once more people join its not going to be run by me. now do the right thing give me my forum access back unblock me on aim and we,ll talk things over

i read the thread, obviously Jay pissed you guys off , and what is done is done… not to re kindle the fire, but i just want eveyone to know that im neutral on this… Jay is a friend of mine, and i hope the other F body guys will be too once i meet you guys.

And yeah, from what i hear we should be a good match :tup:… really lookin forward to it! There should be spring get together, but im sure that will come up over on Nyfbody.

Nope. You offered? What was in it for me? Lets see. I can give up the site that I OWN,…to be an admin on the site that JNJ OWNS. yeah, what a fucking good deal for me! Yeah that’s right , you don’t own it! You need a credit card for the billing information for the registry. Wake up you gullable dipshit. There’s nothing to talk about. You have your own site now, no need for you to be on newyorkfbody, spamming it with your useless crap. Tell everyone the “ultimatum” you gave me, it was pretty funny. We got a good chuckle out of that, lol.

Absofuckinglutely! I want to do one a little later though, so the weather is better and more cars are out. Every time we plan an early one we either get shit weather, or a playoff hockey game blows it. Just so you know, I don’t label people guilty by association. I hate jnj as do a lot of people but, I get along with everyone else in his close circle, as I’m sure i’ll get along with you.


  • for the record I have no problems with either of the 2 and consider both to be good guys
  • good luck to steve on the new website

the sites may get joined, ill try my hardest to keep your banner a part of the sites though

Not gonna happen, ever, period.

Now you are talking…

speedped79@verizon.net to me

show details 10:34 PM (3 minutes ago)


i tried bringing back the old site with no success, its not worth it to me to continue to try,
the replacement site is


that email was sent to 534 users, i tried it wasnt worth it, i just hope joelster does the right thing and unbanns me from the new site. there should be a new wave of members signing up as well


its not victory your not the reason i did what i did so stfu


i hope tardped00 gets so fed up with formulals1 he tries to fight him.

and i hope i am there.

and i hope i have a camera.

You did the right thing SpeedPed. Now just lurk. Try to fit in.

I guess I will be nice now.

dude i was seriously at the point of hunting you down and hittign you with a bat but due to the post you just made ill hold off on that:pimp:

Hunting me down and hitting me with a fucking bat?

You don’t know when to fucking stop when you’re ahead do you?