wnyfbody.com back up and running

wow now thats not fair.lol. must be from south buffalo.lol.

i didnt say i was going to, i said i was almost at the point of doing something like that

you gotta remember im still kinda a kid i still think like one sometimes =]

Well then I take back my fucking comment…about being nice from now on.

You stupid piece of white trash…

I’m waiting come hunt me down with a bat…

how about this, ill mod my car and we,ll race at the track, loser fills the winners tank now lets end this b.s


This isn’t pinks you don’t get 10 car head starts btw

can we get like a fund raiser going for a global ignore?

A.) id love to see this…


Threats… are reason enough for an immediate ban… and sherm has WAY more street Cred than you… so be careful if you’re going to hit him with a bat

Good job lurking SpeedPed. Children should be seen and not heard. Try that for a while. Please ??? lol

LOL, this is too funny. He ran a website for a whole 26 hours and it was a PITA for him. Yeah, moderating those 70 posts (37 were yours) must have been brutal. How did you manage to do it?


everyone needs to fuckin chill the fuck out.

i could have kept it going, theres one person and one person only who changed my mind.


it might start with j?

just for the record i know he dosnt have more street cred than me mabe on the internets or in the suburbs but not anywhere near where im from, where im from people who talk shit like that get knocked out

you must get knocked out on a regular basis…

Unpatched forum software exploitation anyone?
