good try but your kel-tec is notorious for jamming for one and for two 380’s are less superior then let’s say a 9mm which can still be as small as your lil 380 and weigh less. Hell i have a 357 S&W that weighs less than you penis but of course that is titanium and i am sure in your eyes doesn’t count:stick: I have been shooting since i was 9 and i used to compete in classes as well so don’t even try to tell me becasue i have shot more firearms that you will ever hear of as well as shot ammo u have never thought of.
Pttern for you r kel-tec you say? You can be happy with your 50ft shot with your lil firearm that’s fine but 50ft don’t mean shit. I am not saying you don’t know how to shoot or you have never fired a gun b4 but i AM saying until u have experience like me then don’t run your mouth or call me out on it.