Wooo Tokyo Drift

So, I’m sitting here at work bored out of my mind, I actually took the effort to go see FnF Tokyo Drift…here’s a poll for all of you, driving was pretty cool, finally no neon lights, no bling bling wheels and of course the nice asian ladies (but that’s just me, I like the asian…well Japanese girls) story sucked ass as usual, it was senseless entertainment that you can just sit and really turn your brain off.

It was good for what it is. You have to expect the storyline to suck ass. I should have taken a gravol before hand as I felt like puking everytime there was a driving scene.

It really lacked the cheesy one liners though.

I wish there were that many girls at our meets. :roll:

There is a parkade I can provide :E

There is a parkade I can provide :E[/quote]

realllly??? i wouldnt mind some drift battles haha

hhaha kent. always thinking of drifting.lol :senior

OMG so many hot Japanese girls. Movie is worth it for that! In the theatre Dave is right, fast paced driving scenes made me dizzy.

Overall I liked it… it was good entertainment, and not nearly as many stupid lines as the first 2.

I’ve seen it twice now, and haven’t paid once. :E I didn’t really like it though. My favourite parts were the music, the shots of the occasional really nice car (Signal R34 for example), the hot asian girls (The one who says “setu” in the races was by far the hottest), and the cameo by Tsuchiya and of course Vinny Diesel.

What I really hated was the main characters southern drawl, and the way they would bash their cars into each other.

im still the only one that thought it was the best movie EVER hahaha

ya but you drive a grandma’s car, loser

It was ok.

Some nice car’s at least. Good time with the skirts and the music.

your girlfriend doesnt seem to mind… :finga:

maybe if it looked this hot



OMG those were my EXACT words walking out of the theatre!!!

For the record, I didn’t pay either. :E

Holy crap, where can I get that kit?

I would have to agree with you. nice cars, hot girls, and pretty good driving/drifting scenes.


Holy crap, where can I get that kit?[/quote]
mmmm Work Equip wheels

its all about the one liners

Don’t worry Kent. I thought it was sweet as well. Unless you’re kidding. In which case, I’m JDM tyte and the movie is still awesome.

B-Wurm :smiley:

I was surprised as hell that Lil Bow Wow didn’t irritate me to death. It was nice to see his ass get beat up too.

It was worth the download. :finga:

Affirmative. :E