WORK SAFE - Anal Sex Question: (NOW w/Pole!!!)

Yea… that doesn’t sound incriminating at all…

You love this damn story, dont you? :roll2:

So you put a knife in your ass and it came out clean?

Dude being quite the loser I am its all I got

you dont get the knife thing…so shush


It wasn’t covered in tar at the bar last night. :hay:

I can show you better then I can tell you… :sario:

you put th knife in his ass and it came out clean?

whats with your obsession with guys asses?

That’s not a knife. That’s a spoon!

I see you’ve played knifey spooney before.


I see what you did there?

hahahaha :lol:

yiiiiimmie would be proud sir



Should’ve made it a poll I suppose.


Wtf? I just threw up in my mouth a little.

You’ve never heard of ass to mouth… god you are naive

so make a new one and have a poll…just no poop on poll but have cavi mikes mom in a answer :gotme:


wow, what a question… lol. Never had tar though. I never knew it was a common problem. I dont know how I would react…