WORK SAFE - Anal Sex Question: (NOW w/Pole!!!)

Apparently it’s not a common problem… more of a rare misconception.

IOW: Sack up and bury the mudbug! You know who you are :squint:

Hey! A pole!!

Hey! A pol!

Color me not surprised that you had something to do with this topic. You’re like gravity when it comes to anal sex. Only, it’s a ‘No girls allowed’ club.


Thank god no.

I think that would be traumatizing.

this guy that i used to work with at curtis screw told me a really fucked up story about his friend in las vegas. At work now so i dont feel like typing it all up maybe ill type it up later if i remember

We can smell our own, can’t we, silly billy…

who is he?

I’m way past smell. Molecules of feces don’t really touch my palate anymore.

yeah and then she sucked it off then tried to kiss me and i told her to wash out her mouth with bleach, it wasnt too long till we broke up there after

was that even necessary?

in an OT thread?


at least we know your burning desires…



if i had to guess, i’d say that it’s probably leaning towards the negative 20 chicks side.


he probably won’t get it anyway.

as with most people here?