Workout Advice Needed


No you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with back/bis chest/tris.


the only reason its considered ‘wrong’ (which it really isn’t, it depends on how you approach it) is that those muscle groups are synergistic. When you work tris and then bench, the tris are an accessory muscle and will exhaust first. If you over exert them, theoretically, your chest will suffer because you tris will fail early, robbing you of some added power to lock out the rep. The same goes for back and bis.

This is debatable though, because you actually fortify those accessory muscles by doing the excercise, and that benefit may outweigh the possible loss in gains for the major groups (chest and back).

The arguing is pointless at the end of the day. everyones ideas are good, and worth trying, ESP is you’re new to lifting, or trying to change things up for yourself and get out of a rut.