Workout Advice Needed



You have no idea how many looks I get, especially when I’m done - and I’m like, breathing all hard and shit, sweating like a bitch. They are like “wtf is wrong with that guy, all he did was lift the bar.”

But seriously, it’s awesome for you.


I used to do this in highschool it fucking sucks, a 45lbs bar feels like 315 at the end. I also used to do my 75% of my body wieght like 25 times

tried howies workout last night, and took the advice of many, grouping chest, shoulders, and triceps together, tonight is back and biceps night…

it worked really well i think, one of the best workouts ive had in a while.

thanks for all the suggestions, guys!

Hey man, I didn’t lose 63 lbs lifting heavy weights, I’ll tell you that much.

Although, I probably can’t lift my 345 bench anymore, but I was happy when my size 38 pants are all lose on me now…

again, what are your goals

I see above that you aren’t looking to gain mass, but you have to have some goals in mind.

for everyone saying you want to do chest and tris in one day and back and bis in one day you are WRONGGG. Yes they are linked because 2 are pulling motions, 2 are pushing motions…BUT you are NOT nearly getting as good of a work out as you could be this way. you are doing nothing but exhausting your muscles so that your workouts are weak/lame. focus on a body part a day…do a day blasting your chest…then a day for your arms (bis and tris)…then depending on whatelse youre interested in do a whole day for back or mix it in with shoulders or whatever else you want.

edit…rereading this…i cant stress how stupid it is to do bis/back a day and chest/tris in a day…and how many people said the same thing :bloated:

also…the fact that youre doing weightlifting and cardio in a day has a potential problem.

if you are trying to get stronger AND lose body fat you wont do it this way…the two actions are going to be counter productive and shouldnt ever be done at the same time…doing cardio will deplete your muscle mass. SO…either eat right and do a lot of cardio and lose your body fat…THEN go on a program of eating a LOT of healthy food and workout to build the muscle ontop of your fatless body.
or the opposite…bulk up doing weightlifting and no Cardio…then after how ever long you decide to do that do more cardio and lest heavy weightlifting and try to lose the body fat off your muscular body.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:25,topic:28658"”]

for everyone saying you want to do chest and tris in one day and back and bis in one day you are WRONGGG.

edit…rereading this…i cant stress how stupid it is to do bis/back a day and chest/tris in a day…and how many people said the same thing :bloated:


No you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with back/bis chest/tris.


No you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with back/bis chest/tris.


read anything…yes there is.

honestly, ive done more research adn talked to more people than you can imagine…if youre doing chest one day its going to work your tris too…meaning when u walk away from doing your chest and go to a tricep workout you arent getting a proper workout because its going to end up either helping one more than the other or just exhausting both and being a waste of your time…plus you would need to do 4-5 exercises per chest and per tris…which is too much to do in one day…same goes for bi/back

…read anything or talk to anyone that knows what theyre doing

through experience I agree with K cuv, I always felt like the chest or tri was cheated, after a work out. Either the tris would be tired sooner and the chest didn’t get a good work out… or vice versa.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:25,topic:28658"”]

for everyone saying you want to do chest and tris in one day and back and bis in one day you are WRONGGG. Yes they are linked because 2 are pulling motions, 2 are pushing motions…BUT you are NOT nearly getting as good of a work out as you could be this way. you are doing nothing but exhausting your muscles so that your workouts are weak/lame. focus on a body part a day…do a day blasting your chest…then a day for your arms (bis and tris)…then depending on whatelse youre interested in do a whole day for back or mix it in with shoulders or whatever else you want.

edit…rereading this…i cant stress how stupid it is to do bis/back a day and chest/tris in a day…and how many people said the same thing :bloated:

also…the fact that youre doing weightlifting and cardio in a day has a potential problem.

if you are trying to get stronger AND lose body fat you wont do it this way…the two actions are going to be counter productive and shouldnt ever be done at the same time…doing cardio will deplete your muscle mass. SO…either eat right and do a lot of cardio and lose your body fat…THEN go on a program of eating a LOT of healthy food and workout to build the muscle ontop of your fatless body.
or the opposite…bulk up doing weightlifting and no Cardio…then after how ever long you decide to do that do more cardio and lest heavy weightlifting and try to lose the body fat off your muscular body.



do you work in the industry? if so, have you been in it for close to 10 years? so you deal get to rub elbows and converse with some of the top dogs in the fitness and bodybuilding community?

i do

you’re wrong

you CAN recomp. you can burn fat and build lean mass at the same time.

isolating body parts if stupid unless you are competing… for practical strength its :bloated:


you can burn fat and build lean mass at the same time


that is extremely extremely difficult
and probably would take a long time…what i mean is…i do agree you can burn fat faster by lifting weights rather than cardio…but you will not gain any significant muscle mass in any satisfying time period

this is the worst post in this thread by far.

1 - different things work for different people, so we were all saying what works for us.

2 - notice how many people SAID TO do the combine back/bi’s and chest/tris workout, as opposed to those who argued against it. i guess we must just all be “stupid” huh?

3 - on a personal note, this strategy has definitely worked for me. i’d had very nice gains in lifting by following this. so i guess it doesn’t work right?? :roll2:

4 - obviously most of us have talked to people (since we go to the gym) and read up on it. you are a moron

5 - you SHOULD do cardio after you lift, or on days in between lifting, even if you are just trying to build up. this would be where the eating a proper diet comes into play. cardio doesn’t just lean you out, it also tones and helps internal body systems.

6 - if you complain that your chest or tris feel “cheated” when doing them on the same day, then you’re probably just a pussy who cant handle 5-6 good exercises during a gym session. here’s a hint for you… it’s SUPPOSED TO BE A WORK OUT when you lift, it’s supposed to be HARD, and force you to EXERT ENERGY. how the hell do you thing you build up muscle mass?? by taking it easy??

[quote=“K Cuv,post:25,topic:28658"”]

for everyone saying you want to do chest and tris in one day and back and bis in one day you are WRONGGG. Yes they are linked because 2 are pulling motions, 2 are pushing motions…BUT you are NOT nearly getting as good of a work out as you could be this way. you are doing nothing but exhausting your muscles so that your workouts are weak/lame. focus on a body part a day…do a day blasting your chest…then a day for your arms (bis and tris)…then depending on whatelse youre interested in do a whole day for back or mix it in with shoulders or whatever else you want.

edit…rereading this…i cant stress how stupid it is to do bis/back a day and chest/tris in a day…and how many people said the same thing :bloated:

also…the fact that youre doing weightlifting and cardio in a day has a potential problem.

if you are trying to get stronger AND lose body fat you wont do it this way…the two actions are going to be counter productive and shouldnt ever be done at the same time…doing cardio will deplete your muscle mass. SO…either eat right and do a lot of cardio and lose your body fat…THEN go on a program of eating a LOT of healthy food and workout to build the muscle ontop of your fatless body.
or the opposite…bulk up doing weightlifting and no Cardio…then after how ever long you decide to do that do more cardio and lest heavy weightlifting and try to lose the body fat off your muscular body.


Here’s to flawed arguements


this is the worst post in this thread by far.

1 - different things work for different people, so we were all saying what works for us.



2 - notice how many people SAID TO do the combine back/bi’s and chest/tris workout, as opposed to those who argued against it. i guess we must just all be “stupid” huh?


Everyone tells you to if you jump off a bridge you can fly, does it mean thats correct?


3 - on a personal note, this strategy has definitely worked for me. i’d had very nice gains in lifting by following this. so i guess it doesn’t work right?? :roll2:


Couldn’t you get better gains, by trying something else, he never said that it just flat out didn’t work at all… He said you could get better gains…


4 - obviously most of us have talked to people (since we go to the gym) and read up on it. you are a moron


read up on it, how about some sources?


5 - you SHOULD do cardio after you lift, or on days in between lifting, even if you are just trying to build up. this would be where the eating a proper diet comes into play. cardio doesn’t just lean you out, it also tones and helps internal body systems.


cardio lengthens muscles, to create efficiency, and yes cardio should be done after, no point in weight training when you are dead ass tired


6 - if you complain that your chest or tris feel “cheated” when doing them on the same day, then you’re probably just a pussy who cant handle 5-6 good exercises during a gym session. here’s a hint for you… it’s SUPPOSED TO BE A WORK OUT when you lift, it’s supposed to be HARD, and force you to EXERT ENERGY. how the hell do you thing you build up muscle mass?? by taking it easy??


I’ve spent 3 hours in the gym before, and one of muscle area, doesn’t get worked well. cause go figure, bench press, works tris and chest…

I’m pretty confident you are just going by what people tell you to do, instead of thinking of the theory behind it… simple minds… simple minds…

that should get a good :shoot: :shoot: going

I dunno, my personal trainer trains a shit ton of celebrities and sports figures, chest and tris in a day is ok with her. It was ok with me a long time ago.

I also (when lifting heavier weights) do negatives. A lot. I find that’s a much better workout than just doing, for example, 10x reps of 145lbs bench. I would do 10x reps, but negative also. More burn.

I’m not going to go as far as to say you’re wrong K Cuv, but I also did cut 10% body fat and went from benching 185 as a max to 345 (x2!) in 10 months, without any type of supplements and shit… and I did chest and tris on the same day. :stuck_out_tongue:


6 - if you complain that your chest or tris feel “cheated” when doing them on the same day, then you’re probably just a pussy who cant handle 5-6 good exercises during a gym session. here’s a hint for you… it’s SUPPOSED TO BE A WORK OUT when you lift, it’s supposed to be HARD, and force you to EXERT ENERGY. how the hell do you thing you build up muscle mass?? by taking it easy?


no…you do not listen. if yo are doing chest/tris or back/bis…and only doing 5-6 workouts…youre cheating yourself…because how productive is 2 or 3 exercises per body part? its about as productive as working at UPS and lifting boxes

and i never said dont warm up and use a treadmill or bike for a five or so minutes…that is NOT cardio…he said hes doing 1/2 hour of cardio a day…that WILL deplete the muscle mass


I dunno, my personal trainer trains a shit ton of celebrities and sports figures, chest and tris in a day is ok with her. It was ok with me a long time ago.

I also (when lifting heavier weights) do negatives. A lot. I find that’s a much better workout than just doing, for example, 10x reps of 145lbs bench. I would do 10x reps, but negative also. More burn.

I’m not going to go as far as to say you’re wrong K Cuv, but I also did cut 10% body fat and went from benching 185 as a max to 345 (x2!) in 10 months, without any type of supplements and shit… and I did chest and tris on the same day. :stuck_out_tongue:


well on the same note…you had a lot of body weight to burn at the time…so honestly doing any physical activity would have helped you lose that weight, right?

Yeah, but I’m saying, it worked.


And I’m also focusing on the “burned, but gained muscle mass” - now I know I’m not the norm in terms of how quickly i can gain mass, but something was right…

[quote=“K Cuv,post:34,topic:28658"”]

its about as productive as working at UPS and lifting boxes


Then it must be pretty productive then :tup:

each person is different. try different things, keep your body guessing, eat ballanced, high protein, good carbs, cardio is a must, and enjoy it. it should be fun, not a burden.

everyone is going to have their opinion, and each person is going to think their method is best, because its what worked for them. see what works for YOU and go with it.


No you are wrong. There is nothing wrong with back/bis chest/tris.


the only reason its considered ‘wrong’ (which it really isn’t, it depends on how you approach it) is that those muscle groups are synergistic. When you work tris and then bench, the tris are an accessory muscle and will exhaust first. If you over exert them, theoretically, your chest will suffer because you tris will fail early, robbing you of some added power to lock out the rep. The same goes for back and bis.

This is debatable though, because you actually fortify those accessory muscles by doing the excercise, and that benefit may outweigh the possible loss in gains for the major groups (chest and back).

The arguing is pointless at the end of the day. everyones ideas are good, and worth trying, ESP is you’re new to lifting, or trying to change things up for yourself and get out of a rut.


This thread is a mess.

Diet >>>> Exercise

If you don’t eat properly you aren’t going to get anywhere. It’s not going to matter if you are on a 3 day split, a 4 day split or a 5 day split.

Fix your diet, figure out your nutritional macros and then worry about the small % influence the actual lifting has on your bodies composition.

And it’s my belief that total body recomp is possible ( this means leaning out while gaining strength/mass ) however the rate at which one achieves this is much slower than the tried and true bulk/cut cycles.

Review: Diet >> Exercise >> Supplements