Workout Advice Needed

I didn’t read all the bullshit from all the wanna be lou ferrignos on here but alternating chest and back (or something similar) is exteremely beneficial, look up information on opposing muscle groups (think push, then pull). Cycling them will help you get more out of the exercise than just running 5 sets of chest exercises and 5 sets of back. Granted, everything depends on what your goals are, but I’d be willing to bet, you don’t need to spend an hour lifting. Doing effective exercises with out a lot of sitting around and chit chatting will get you much farther.

Diet will not build muscle mass by itself. It will however, make you lose weight, that’s actually what helps me the most - by controlling my diet.

5/7 days of the week, I’m eating a non-meat super low fat salad for lunch. Mushrooms, egg whites, cucumbers, celery, and maybe some bean sprouts if I feel like it, in a light balsamic vinaigrette. Breakfast I usually eat either a banana and a glass of OJ, or a plain waffle (one), or 2 egg whites with a slice of american cheese on a roll (when I need to “reward” myself).

Dinners are pretty early, pretty light (because I hate playing basketball/working out with a lot of food in my stomach).

That alone has contributed to my weight loss so much, working out kills so much more calories and keeps me in the relatively good shape that I am in now. I can’t run for long distances or anything, but i can play 3 hours of basketball (full court) and not feel like a gigantic piece of shit after 2 games.

Seriously, Sam - read what other people are doing/saying to get a general idea of what you want to do. Try some of their suggestions. See what works for you, it will take a little while of course…

After a while, instead of going to the gym and doing the same ol’ routine, change it up. that’s what my personal trainer did. She told me to do that 100 reps shit. It blew my mind. I started working out completely differently and it has “renewed” my interest for working out and dieting hardcore.

That, and my dick looks bigger now.


That, and my dick looks bigger now.


and thats all that matters

Comparing functional strength / bodybuilding / powerlifting isn’t what this thread is about, right?




Diet won’t build muscle mass by itself, but without a proper diet your gains while doing whatever type of lifting/exercise will just be so limited.

And like you were alluding to, when it comes to losing weight / body recomp, diet is just ridiculously important… understanding what your body needs nutritionally to attain the goals that you really want.


Comparing functional strength / bodybuilding / powerlifting isn’t what this thread is about, right?

Diet won’t build muscle mass by itself, but without a proper diet your gains while doing whatever type of lifting/exercise will just be so limited.

And like you were alluding to, when it comes to losing weight / body recomp, diet is just ridiculously important… understanding what your body needs nutritionally to attain the goals that you really want.


Yeah, and my dick looks bigger.


lol :smiley:

finally some insight in this thread. thank you sureshot.