Worst movie you ever saw...

i like cloverfield a lot

and yes descent was another terrible movie!

you retard. it was supposed to be. that was the point.

i guess no one has seen “J-Ok’El La Llorona” … rented to watch for halloween… we turned it off after no more than 10 minutes… SO BAD.

and… i <3 vampire movies… but “30 days of night” was horrid as well.

I realize it wasn’t supposed to be taken too seriously, but it was just plain stupid

I liked the approach… it was kind of poorly done :frowning:

fuck you… shoot em up rocked.

K Cuv did a great job acting

I actually liked it as well

as for the worst, I’d have to agree with Open Water… it was pretty terrible. The Day the Earth Stood Still had me on the ROFLcopter for most of the flick. It was no where near as involved as the previews made it seem, and suffered horribly because of it.

And whoever said Righteous Kill was bad is out of their mind.

Honestly, I have nothing against people who liked the movie, thats all fine and good, I just hate it when, as Joe said, people feel the need to lecture you about it when you say you didn’t like it and tell you you don’t get it. I understand that it is a visual descent into the kids progressing insanity, not to mention all the ridiculous time travel business. Thats all fine and good, but the acting is shitty, the characters are all pretentious(especially the ones who aren’t supposed to be) and the visual style just wasn’t entertaining to me.

I might have to netflix a couple of these: robot monster looks so bad it could be good.

or maybe Manos: The Hands of Fate

Death Wish 3

Haha I liked shoot em up and cloverfield.

Armageddon has to be in there.

The film is on the list of Roger Ebert’s most hated films: in his original review, he stated “The movie is an assault on the eyes, the ears, the brain, common sense and the human desire to be entertained”.

Now that’s harsh. :lol:

…you said you don’t get it. Maybe that’s the flaw in your description of your interest in the movie that leads them to believe that you don’t get it and that’s why you don’t like it.


You want harsh? Roger Ebert’s review of “Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed,” entitled “Win Ben Stein’s Mind.”


The Grudge…I through the movie out after watching it.

The last Indy Jones. I almost walked out but hoped they would redeem themselves.


Gigli, you mean

And why would you ever watch that in the first place

Yeah, that’s it… chick made me do it.

I’m surprised no one said any of the “saw” movies.