Worst movie you ever saw...

Post 6.

Warewolfs on wallstreet

Burn After Reading. I think the title should be “Burn After Watching”

That movie rocked man

lol oops.

i just watched people under the stairs. i liked it.

see I’m not the only one, it is a god AWFUL movie. Think Fargo, where NOTHING happens.

It is like spinning in place for 2 hours. Sure you taken a lot of steps, but in the end you haven’t moved anywhere and are just really dizzy and nauseous

What do you mean, nothing happens? One gets surgery, two get dead, one gets to Venezuela, one gets a persistent vegetative state.

Say what you wan’t, but don’t argue it doesn’t go anywhere, because everyone’s completely destroyed by the end of the movie.

good call. I’ll have to second that as well

and I didn’t care about a single character in the movie. Sadly, the only highlight of the movie was Brad Pitt’s acting/character. EVERYONE else sucked assssssssss. Nothing about this movie made me think, or chuckle or have any emotion/thought other than “when will this stupid waste of a movie end?”.

requiem for a dream

not because it’s ‘bad’ as in bad acting/bad story line, it’s just very very depressing

I laughed a lot, which was the point for me

But yeah, like I said, not up to their previous standard of work. It was no Big Lebowski.

Holy shit, yes. How could I have forgotten about that movie?

Kudos to you, sir.

I know you don’t want “B Movies”, but when you say worst movie, the one that comes to mind is the one that made me throw up a little in my mouth when I saw it.

“Desperate Living” by John Waters

The Aviator, Leonardo DiCaprio. I’m utterly fascinated with Howard Hughes and that movie was staggering in how boring it was.

Also, The Last Days, supposedly about Kurt Cobain a week or so before his death. I sat through 20 minutes of that and started wondering where my shotgun was.

Fur. Look it up, and watch it, it’s seriously the most fuckin ridiculous movie ever.

Found the trailer. http://www.newline.com/properties/fur.html

The upstairs dude is hairy head to toe, so at the end she shaves him, then gives him an HJ with the cream. They go to the beach before his hair goes back, he swims into the water and drowns himself. She goes back the apartment to mourn him and there is a box, he made a fur jacket out of the hair she shaved off him. She falls asleep in it, fuckin nasty.


It is a dry comedy. I feel really bad for people who cannot appreciate it. The whole movie was awesome. I laughed for a good 15 minutes right at the end.

“I would say that we should learn from this, but I don’t know what the fuck we did”

Eastern Promises. It ended and I was like “WTF did I just watch?”.

john waters is awesome. desperate living is kinda gross tho.

lol saw that shitfaced at a friends house… every 10 mins I had to ask everyone else in the room WTF was going on