would u buy her for $5500 USD?

He’s right though.
Sasha is somebody in the RACING world :wink:
I wouldn’t want to be someone in the tuner world either, in order for that to happen, I’d need to have lambo doors, chameleon paint and spend all my time at Timmies. The tuner scene could give a fuck less about speed, they’re solely concerned with baller status and being “different”.
As for different being slow, and handling bad, let me give you an example:
You want suspension, but everyone has Stance or Megan, you can’t afford to go Cusco or JIC, so you get K2’s lol. Now you have shitty coils, just to be different.
You want power, but everyone has SR or KA-T, you spend 6 years saving up for an RB26 swap, or start the swap, run into a ton of bullshit that you can’t afford to fix and end up either with a car with a stock KA for the 6 years you’re saving for that RB26, or a non-running car with an RB26. And when you get it, your car will handle like ass.
You want aero, but everyone has OEM or Origin, so you get some Invading Samurai Gangster kit off eBay with chicken wire covering up all the gigantic intakes and scoops on it. Hillarity ensues.

What I’m trying to say is, people go “same”, not because they want to copy someone else, but because it fucking WORKS, and it works WELL for a reasonable amount of money.

Edit: If you REALLY want to be different, sell your 240 and buy a Camry like me :wink: