Would you like to SEE how UNIONS affect overhead costs?

I haven’t read your posts simply because the first couple of lines belie your intelligence.

But, all I have to say to you Bobee is that you should stop crying about the CEO being far more valuable then yourself.

If line “techs” are making $25/hr, and costing an additional $25/hr in legacy waste, then one year of CEO salary equates to 50 line “techs”, upto 2080 hours.

You’d be extremely lucky if you were worth 2% of what wagoner is to the company. :lol:

Lastly, in alot of case, CEO pay is hugely impacted by options grants… meaning that the company has to perform well for at least a few years (option period) for the options to be worth ‘as much’. Line “techs” collect their inflated paychecks on friday and go home to give the wife money to shop at walmart.

Pardon my generalizations misterioman$$$ and others who actually work.