Would YOU press the button?

Simple idea, so let’s get the ball rolling.

  • Simple scenarios, with certain percentage of success/fail. Favorable and unfavorable situations for the ‘button-presser’.


  • Before you post a new “Would you press this button…”, you must answer the ‘Would you press the button’ question above.

Button 1

You shall receive the Nissan of your dreams, with a 50grand mod-spending spree. 50%

You shall be restricted to <$1000 POS, for the remainder of your life. Suicide is not an option. 50%

Would YOU press the button?



what button?
the “naked girl gives lap dance” button?
of the FTW nuke em button?
oooh ooh the peanutbutter sandwiches in school button!
no no …the nitrous button!!!
no no the “humpback whale humpbacks yer boat” button!!

I’d push em all!
woooo party at my house! bring yer own whale!



piece of shit

sweeeeeeet! 69 posts!


Would you press this button?

You are paid $1,000,000 dollars to marry a refugee from China…

but you must, have sex with a deceased famous actress. LMAO

thats gross

…but id still press it lol

^ LOL you sick bastrd!!

heres a lil twist…would you…

  1. Have a 10 bees sting you up your asshole


  1. 100 bees sting your crotch



okay i won’t hijack tihs game…i’ll start my own thread =(

who cares? just post…

Own a 2002 Nissan Skyline R34 Fully modded fully street legal pushing 1500HP to the wheels(.5%) or a 1987 Nissan Sentra that wont shift out of first one flat tire, and that cat urine smell (99.5%)

How does one think of something like that?:S :S :confused:

^ super random sicko imagination?

haha this co-worker at work started asking me these questions and it seemed almost like the similiar game to the OP ^^

lmao im so lost…


I will take Door #3 bob!"D :smiley:

^^ LOL