wound up tigher than PSI's sister.

It helps me when I get anxiety because I focus on my breathing and it helps to calm me down and take my mind off of whatever is causing the anxiety.

Are you getting enough sleep at night? I sometimes take a valerian and a melatonin at night before I go to bed if I know I am going to get at least 8 hours or more of shut eye. This helps me fall asleep faster as well as achieve a much deeper, more restful sleep. When I wake up the next day, I feel a lot more rested and energized than if I were to just fall asleep without them. They’re all natural and non addicting (unlike sleeping pills) so they generally won’t harm your body with normal use (unless you’re taking 20 valerians and drinking a 12 pack along with them :lol)

low test makes u depressed and suicidal. like i said, watch “bigger, stronger, faster”

/steroid talk.

i never get enough sleep. i know this but refuse to take a perscript. but melatonin might help some. ill get it and try it. been putting this off for years.

Get sleep and eat well (obviously you have those covered), get a hobby or treat yourself to something cool. If that isn’t working, see a psychiatrist or something because it could be something deeper.

edit: I guess you don’t get enough sleep… so get it :lol

Oh man, you’ll be amazed at what a proper night’s sleep does for your psychological well-being. I thought it was all bull SHIT until I started sleeping normally on a regular basis.

Make sure you get about a week or two’s worth of 8+hrs of deep sleep before you judge how you feel. Don’t just sleep one night for 9 hrs and go “this is bull SHIT! this doesn’t work!”

Anxiety can also be genetic… just another thing to take into consideration. When you closely analyze your relatives, I’ve found that a lot of shit starts making very good sense.

Definitely try the melatonin. It gives me vivid, sometimes lucid dreams which is cool.

on occasion i will pass out and not wake up all night, but its very very rare. complications with my back have irratated me for years now, and now my fucking foot has nerve damage so thats annoying too. ugh FML

Have you had trouble sleeping well lately? Practically everyone has trouble at one time or another. Millions of people suffer from chronic sleep problems that sooner or later lead to sleep deprivation. Considering the side effects and possible dangers involved with over-the-counter or prescription sleep medications, natural alternatives are the best choice for anyone who has problems sleeping. But with all the choices available, which remedy do you choose? This article will take a closer look at two of the most popular natural sleep medications on the market: melatonin and valerian.

Most experts agree that natural sleep remedies are better and safer than prescription medications in the long run. Natural choices have fewer side effects. Even over-the-counter pills can cause dry mouth or agitation. Herbal remedies for sleep are much less likely to cause any long-term dependency. People who choose to take prescription sleeping pills often begin to rely on them as the only way they can sleep. Also, natural sleep medications don’t require a prescription or an expensive office visit to your physician.

One very popular natural sleep aid is melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep and waking cycles, as well as other biorhythms. This substance is naturally produced in our bodies, but the production of melatonin declines as we grow older. Studies of the effects of melatonin has shown that this natural remedy helps users fall asleep faster, but has no effect on total sleep time.

Valerian, or valerian root, is often recommended as one of the most effective natural sleeping medications available. This herbal remedy has a long history of use for insomnia. It was especially popular in Europe beginning in the 16th century. Valerian has the distinction of being approved by many of the world’s major drug agencies. It has been deemed safe by the US Food and Drug Administration, Germany’s Commission E, and the European Pharmacopeia. Valerian works by affecting the central nervous system. It is possible to build up a tolerance to valerian over time.

When choosing any natural sleep aid, it’s important to determine what works best for you. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, you might try melatonin. It’s also good for short-term problems like jet lag or changing shifts. On the other hand, if you’re having trouble staying asleep, you might want to give valerian a try. The good news is that you can take either natural remedy with the confidence that you are working in harmony with your body rather than drugging it into submission.

Cliffs in bold :wink:

I buy the Melatonin from Rite Aid up the street. CVS for the Valerian, but Rite Aid I’m sure carries it as well. CVS might actually be a few cents to a dollar cheaper or so, but driving to Schenectady kind of offsets that.

Drink more alcohol as its a depressant

have you tried angry sex with your gf? that usually works.

Lolol truth

does mouth wash count?

Totally agreed, there is really no such thing as ‘roid rage’, they just make a small asshole a bigger one. Steroids are the most misunderstood/mislabeled drug out there, period. Everyone that thinks that steroid are the devil, and fuck, everyone else too, needs to watch 'bigger,stronger,faster". Steroids are no more dangerous than drinking/weed, and IMO much safer.

In that case, hit meh.

I hear ya E. I have alot of shit goin on now, big reason I havent been on here much at all lately. I feel like I always have to be doing something, yet dont get it done. Feel like Im always anxious, and have been getting pissed easier. Its hard to explain, but its fuckin weird.

oh you have the room my man beleive me if you saw where my cars are…psi2high 6spd eg and germanspye know what i mean

well not with another car in there for the winter i dont. nit yea if i had the whole garage i would.

Wayne, moar fires in your back yard with oil pleaze

E needs to do E. SRS.

Scientifically proven to be over 8x more safe than alcohol consumption. If you aren’t into that type of thing, there are off the shelf herbal supplements that support higher levels of dopamine production in the brain.

Would vitamin D deficiency this time of year have anything to do with it? Possibly could…

My guess would be that he’s on a multi-vitamin of some kind which usually includes D…

Sounds like stress, I get the same way when I stress out over shit. There are a million ways to deal with it, every one is different.

He just got back from Florida so hes had plenty of sun