WOW idiot kids..

didn’t you say you sped up to them and had your flashing lights on which in turn made them pull over? Isn’t that wat cops do? speed up and flick on the berries? common sense here. something in your mind prompted you to lie to the officer because somewhere deep inside ur brain you KNEW that using those lights for things like that is illegal…tell the officer the truth then see how far that case gets…and no sloroach in the instance that my muffler would be falling off and u would flick ur beams it would be distracting another driver…yes you would be warning me but how am i to know that? i don’t have a camera strapped to the ass of my car pointing towards the ground so that i can view my coffee can…your visor light…thats funny…cop just might be dumber than the kids to believe that…just be happy this didn’t happen somewhere where the kids that age are strapped…