wow its cold

1.9 degrees

it was a great day to wash cars too. some guy asked if it was too cold and if it was going to be alright. i said yes. hopefully he parks in a garage.

I tried to go through the Horton’s drive through but couldn’t get my window down. The walk from the arena to the car sucked really bad too.

I was doing it in a tshirt and sweating. :gotme:

I’m glad I don’t have to deal with that cold anymore. Summer time is going to suck here. I need to find a new job soon. I don’t want to be detailing cars out in the 100* heat.
Tips are good tho.

It’s cold out? I haven’t been outside since last night, it’s Sunday.

This is nothing. I grew up on the northern border of NY where NY meets Quebec. Senior year in high school I worked at a full service gas station and one night it was -63 with the wind chill, -30 something ambient, which is the coldest I have ever experienced. A car would pull in to get gas and in the time they had it shut off to fill up the battery would die.

mike let me know where you get new molding from, mine is funky on my drivers front.

haha i left my car at my parents house (drove to my parents house and my dad drove to go karting) and when I got back in my car later my door wouldn’t close. it needs a slave cyl anyway so I just left it in their garage and took my moms car

Yea optima’s suck in cold, my yellow top was dead, wouldn’t take a charge. Brought it in and they tested it, dead as a door nail. So instead of getting a free one I went with a die hard. That’s the 4th optima that’s died on me in 2 years.

my yellow top/gray case was still doing good this afternoon (7pm). However, i did have to let the car warm up for 15 minutes before the clutch and shifter would move somewhat freely. f’ing sucked.

Usually i’m all for the cold weather, but i want to wash and see my car be clean for more than a day.

82 here today.


i went thru 2 yellowtops. They were shot after i stored the car each winter. Switched to Energizer, never had a problem.

On another note, delivered pizza today in this shit and some people wanted exact change back:2fingers:

Dude that sux .

ya it did, i wanted to drive across their front lawns

yeah we have hardwood floors at my house and no basement…just a crawlspace (old house). So yeah its fuckin 2* out right now…wtf.

Just came home.

And the heating element in my driver’s seat is pretty much not functioning.

good observation.

xMshadowx: good observation
xMshadowx: lol
fbrendan adam: lol
fbrendan adam: i hate threads lieke that
fbrendan adam: OMG ITS SNOWING!
fbrendan adam: NO SHIT FAGGOT

spent the day it my parents house hot tubbin and sitting by the fire, it was nice

too bad i cant use the working fireplace in my appt… knowing us though we’d prob get drunk and burn the place down…

just go back from west palm last night 78 there 5 here … god it is ssooo cold…