WOW. PS3's are dropping FASTTTTTTTT!

I may be getting a PS3 and a WII tomorrow if things go accordingly.

BOM (Bill of Materials) for the PS3 is 805.85 and 840.35 respectively for the 20gb and 60gb models. Doing the math, that’s $306.85 and $241.35 lost per PS3. BOM on the Xbox 360 is $323.30.

they will be ontop only cause of their name, there is nothing that system offers that makes it that much better than the 360, and nintendo is the only company actually innovating something the others still have the same old controllers

Sold for 850, I think the hype has ran its course already.

It might be a bigger loss than that.
What are the retailers paying for these systems?

If they pay 500 per system then Sony’s loss is 241.35 + 99.99 = 341.34 loss per system. I don’t know what the stores typically see as far as margin on new consoles, but it could be even more than that.

I should also mention that I think the 800 BOM is bullshit. There is no way Sony would put that much into the system and take such a huge loss on a product. It simply can’t happen.


Its also a 20GB so that explains some of the low price.

Retail - 5% max I would imagine

BOM will only go down as they continue to crank out more. Within 6 months I’m sure they’ll be losing a considerable about less per console, and making up for it in games.


This is the first year Microsoft has made a profit on any gaming hardware

Thats it? Where are you getting this number from?

Retailer cost on a PS3 is about retail -2% the 360 cost was 387 for the 399 system

Wow that is some shitty margin.

most electronics are like that. the store takes a hit on the system and has a HUGE margin on accessories. when we sold out the wii, we sold out most of the accessories and games. cash money.

yep system and games = 2-5% margin

accesories 50%

Don’t TV’s have a high margin? At least thats what my friends at Stereo Advantage told me.

it depends on the TV and the sale. do they have a higher margin than the accessories? no, not even close.