WOW, Terrible run-in with Cops...


then again my experiences are always different. as soon as i give them the military ID they drop the tough act and talk to me like a human.


word, but it still goes along the lines of respecting them and their authority. since we are in the military they expect us to obey the laws even more and thats what he said to me last night. he let me off with just a 30 dollar seatbelt ticket and it should have been more but he also thought i was gonna run but the thought never crossed my mind.

had it happen before - sucks andy…youre lucky you didnt get at least the plate ticket though! :tup:

did u get a boner with all the foreplay? i would have.

Thats why Im rarely going to take my car out late at night this summer if I dont have to. Rookie cops work 3rd shift and find any excuse to pull you over and write tickets and they always have a more calm/relaxed partner whose training them and moving on to 1st or 2nd shift.

:tup: to not getting nailed to the wall, glad to see you got outta there allright

yeah cheektowaga and depew cops can be stupid shitty

Its only terrible if you get a cavity search.:lol:

musta been that time of the month for her :gotme:

I think its your ric3y bov’s

lol you got felt up by a cop


Yea female cops have to act twice as tough to get half the respect that male cops get (sad but true).

The probable cause was pretty low IMO but you should’nt have volunteered any information to her in the first place. You should’ve just said, “I just dropped off my GF and now Im on my way home.” If there was a van next to you then you should’ve just slowed down and let it pass then pull over. Im sure you learned your lesson, too bad it was the hard way. It sucks when you get treated like that when you are innocent, but you have to realize that cops have a certain procedure they have to follow in order to keep themselves safe. The only thing you can do is be respectful and do what they say.

  1. run a front plate

  2. quit trying to be funny

this is why i always say that women shouldn’t be in any kind of authority.

my worst cop run in was in cheektowaga too. i was doing all sorts of retarded shit that i should not have been doing. i was young and stupid. i deserved what i got.

its against the law for unlawful search didnt have probable cause to search your car without a warrant, Unless you gave them permission to do so… and technically you were under arrest any stop by a police officer is called an arrest even just for a traffic violation. once they take your freedom from you its an arrest. I would file a compaint with the cheektawaga police department.

damn all that for a stop! Really that is overly excessive wtf is goin on that they are pulling everybody an their cousin over in patrols of 2. Today on the 33 i seen at least 6 stops, each time 2 cars 2 cop cars. I would also follow the above advice an file a complaint---- you and your rights just got violated.

His rights likely were not violated. Judging from the conversation he posted, he probably gave permission, possibly in an indirect way.

even if there was a violation of rights, itll be hard to prove it in court. the officers word > your word.


damn all that for a stop! Really that is overly excessive wtf is goin on that they are pulling everybody an their cousin over in patrols of 2. Today on the 33 i seen at least 6 stops, each time 2 cars 2 cop cars. I would also follow the above advice an file a complaint---- you and your rights just got violated.


Its spring time, the weather just got nice. They know everyone is pulling their nice cars out and driving around and such. Its the begining of hunting season for them.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:22,topic:28047"”]

had it happen before - sucks andy…youre lucky you didnt get at least the plate ticket though! :tup:

did u get a boner with all the foreplay? i would have.


while she was feeling me up and down, after the 2nd time she went down my pants…i seriously tried to get a boner, hoping she’d go down there one last time…3rd time’s a charm :wink:

and i never once gave permission to look through my vehicle. Not even indirectly…she asked if she would find anything in it and i said no…in NO WAY does that mean i’m giving permission…what i said could never be interpreted as permission…

And, i was not asked to get out of the car…i was told to…therefore i technically was under arrest at that point i guess…

I was too pissed off to think halfway through it all, so i didnt get a look at her badge…but i plan on calling the Cheektowaga police department today, and i’m sure they won’t mind giving out the name of the female officer on patrol at 2:30 AM today…i dont see why that type of information wouldn’t be available to the public.

A friend i work with has a cop father, and has a different story than what i’ve been told in the past. In past encounters with the law, i’m told that the license plate has to be secured with at least 2 screws…but, my buddy at work claims his father told him as long as the front plate is in clear view, it’s legal…and only the rear plate needs to be secured…is this true?

Finally, i was also told that this type of overly excessive force the Buffalo News thrives on. Apparently, i can write a letter to the editor telling my story (in a more professional manner) and they will consider printing it…which seems true since everything they like to print in the B-Lo news is negative, all the time…

It wouldn’t really do me any good to send it in and hopefully have it printed…but it would make me feel really, really good inside…i mean REALLY good…has anybody else heard of this though?

And on a side note…somebody mentioned she was probably new…i got that vibe too…like she was in training…but, if that was the case…i dont think she would have been in the car on her own…she was alone, and then 2 male officers came to her backup in a separate car…

and this is one of the reasons i got rid of the GTO…since buying that car, ive gotten pulled over way way too many times. all but one of which were cops just kinda seeing what i was up to and could never give me a straight answer as to why they pulled me over in the first place.


and this is one of the reasons i got rid of the GTO…since buying that car, ive gotten pulled over way way too many times. all but one of which were cops just kinda seeing what i was up to and could never give me a straight answer as to why they pulled me over in the first place.


what the hell you doing to get pulled over in a stock gto all the time?