Wow This Sucks

I still can’t grasp it …




how can burns make your nose look like gonzo’s?

did any one read the comment at the bottom ouch harsh but tru its his fualt fuck him he should have known better

Article comment by: Fazle

Imagine how many pairs of glasses he could wear at once?
Lulz. God hates you.

Well I mean, it sucks for dude, but he had a fucking seizure. How can you possibly hold the school accountable for that? Shit happens man.

God, people’ll try a law suit over anything in the US, and he’ll probably win.

If anything I’d sue the doctor for doing a shit job of fixing my face.


^ this

i thought it was a halloween mask, it was pretty sweet untill i found out it was real

ya… how does fire elongate your nose?

WTF? :o

K how can he sue the school for negligence?? Its a camping trip and he had a seizure. What did he want the school to do quickly put the fire out before he landed on it??? How did burns elongate his nose? lol

Article comment by: defrag

hahahahahaha fucking COCK NOSE!! fuck you suing the school you dumb cocknosed summabitch


His nose is most likely one of many steps to try and rebuild it with grafted skin. But this guy shouldn’t get any money and have to walk around with that thing… when in doubt sue, sue, sue.

His nose is a little out there… didn’t like that in this picture

At least he can use his nose for pleasuring women when they sit on his face!

I feel bad for the guy, I hope he get’s a good settlement and uses it for some realy good doctors that could reconstruct his face.

i think he should get the money after reading the article they left the man with such previous known medical conditions alone in the woods. they assume responsibility for what happened to him. 300K is what hes asking for in the settlement i think thats decent hes gunna have to buy a new face and find a job where he cant be seen by public.
a job that might not be so well paying he should ask for more than 300K

edit second article says hes asking for 300k first says 3.2 million. i read the 2nd article 1st

3.2 milli should do him good … but dam make the infrastructure of the nose outta plastic or somthing than some skin and tissue and shit.

Don’t wana sound insensitive to cocknose there but this does not belong in carchat. Here I was thinking he got burnt probably because he sat in a Fiero…