The idea of welfare is actually a really good one. The huge problem IMO is that people abuse the hell out of it and use it to live off of for extended periods of time. They either sit on their asses all day long and collect, or find some other on the side jobs that brings in a little extra cash. Free money + money that can’t be tracked by the government= nice. For people who actually NEED it, it is definately something nice. But morons like Mr. Bling Bling that pays with food stamps fuck it up for every1 else.
ya our tax dollars go towards… pissy ass cops who pull us over and hassle us on our way to work/school and so on, our shitty ass roads full of pot holes… our “awesome” gas prices… and so on… im only 18 and i can feel how bad we are getting screwed… anyone want to pool some money together and create our own country’?
Cut it all together, no work, no food. Only the strong shall survive.
You took it out of context… I was referring to the people at H&R Block, who see “no” income… and then tell them having a kid will get them more back. This thread is about people who abuse welfare, not hard working Americans who earned what they have.
that was brilliant, thanks for contributing.
Ah, gotcha. Then yeah, those H&R people need to be kicked in the face as well.
The reason for this is really easy.
You don’t claim income from selling drugs on your taxes.
Thus in the government’s eyes, there’s no difference in income between the guy who’s unemployed and can barely survive, and the guy moving a kilo of coke a week.
I would say 90% of these cases are people getting money from shady activities
Nothing pisses me off more to see the trash that takes advantage off welfare. The system obviously has huge problems. I hate seeing 400 pound hefers go in line at tops buying nothing but candy and junk food and paying with fucking food stamps. I dont have a problem with people who are hard up getting free food but fucking twinkies and skittles should not be bought with food stamps. If a fat fuck wants twinkies they can go get a job to pay for the, otherwise it should be gov cheese and such.
And for the fuck driving a caddy paying with foodstamps, just another example of how messed up this welfare system is. IT is a state problem, for example people move to NY to go on welfare here because its so much better. Why bother getting a job when you can live for free off of NYS.
I work for Fidelis… you know… that commercial on the radio that is all about poor people abusing the system… yeah, they pay my check. Actually the state pays my check… and the more poor people NYS has, the more chance my check has of getting bigger.
A lot of our members drive cadillacs.
I used to see this type of abuse all the time when my dad owned property down in the city…they would drive around in brand new cars wearing sean john and rocawear and then after we gave them a nice clean apt to live in a year later I Would be in there with roach spray and cleaning up empty crack viles
and they would have 4-5 kids that they did absolutely nothing for that were now forced to steal/sell to survive…way to be a role model.
Haha ohh yeaa…I def know what you mean. My dad owned 5 houses at one point. Everyone he rented to were filthy fuckin sumbags. And somehow they couldn’t pay their rent ever on time, bought whatever they wanted on food stamps, and drove better cars than my parents? Go figure that one out.
im fine with giving it for around a 6 month period.
after that, if you cant find a job and are able-bodied…i hope you starve.
that peanut butter was the shit… and the cheese was the bomb. you could melt that shit like velveta (sp).
word to that^^.
the welfare system in NY went from being an assistance program to being a fucking LIFESTYLE long ago.
normally I would agree that a time limit would be necessary…
but you don’t have to necessarily live off of welfare. I believe you can have income… and then still get like $50 in food stamps, or WIC. This just helps a lot… maybe it means that your job ( be it mcdonalds, or tops) is still low income, but atleast your doing something… and maybe you can take the kids out to see a movie. I can probably count on one hand how many times we went to the movies as kids, and it wasn’t until we were “better off” that we actually went.
- Lion King
- Toy Story
- Independence Day
umm… yeah, I think thats it… kinda sucked being a poor kid, but now I’m grateful for everything… and I think more poeple should be poor at one time in their lives… i think the world would be a better place.
i was that kid that got lunch for a dime. it was embarrassing.
A dime? It was free for me… and for other kids it was a quarter.
Then I had to pay a quarter if I wanted a drink with my meal.
I just told them I was on a pre-pay plan… and that my mom was so loaded she would pay it all up front.
They caught me a couple times double dipping… basically we had 2 lunch lines, and the cashier would ask you your name, and then mark you off. Well… i would get a lunch, eat it, still be starving, and then go into the other line and get another lunch. They just made you pay a buck when you were caught… so it wasn’t so bad. But I didn’t drive an escalade to school
I’m lookin’ for a dime that’s top of the line
Cute face slim waist wit a big behind
ODB (Ol’ Dirty Bastard) was on welfare :lol:
I absolutely fucking agree.
Mine was free up until ~7th grade.