true lol, if you want pm flintc on here he works at consumers and might be able to give you a heads up on either of those apartments. I think he looked at one.
Word, I looked at the complex right by consumers a while back. I will have to check into the house one though, :tup:.
do not move close to a beer store
This place is really really nice.
I checked it out with teh girlfriend, landlord seemed super nice and friendly too. She also works for a lawfirm and such (or owns it, or something… I don’t know)… So uhm… I assume she is up to date with her shit.
It’s month to month, washer/dryer hookups in apt.
There is a dryer in there now, but it’s tiny and she said it sucks pretty hard, told me if I moved in I’d be better off bringing my own.
No pets.
I’m on the wall about it, only because I’m in a position at the moment to buy a house.
Or… .get an apartment.
I keep going back and forth about which to do.
Oh, rent includes nothing iirc.
It may include water, but I’m not positive. I know it does not include gas/electric for sure.
Carpet is kinda suck.
But the rest of the place is nice, especially for the price.
and the area = love. (I live down the road on Sawyer at the moment… like 2-3 mins away)
^^^word, that’s my favorite area of Lancaster personally.
Missed calling before 5
Will call in am:tup:
where in EA were you going to rent? Prospect Ave?
From a private owner above garage Apt. So sick, off a 12 year old house, with everything included… washer/dryer/garage spot with storage behind, 2 rooms, fully furnished kitchen and bath, dishwasher, Direct TV… for only $550
The guy was old and ornery as shit though. Guess he wants to rent to older folks, not young guys that potentially could be too much of a hassle.
check with ieatpaint maybe… who knows what his situation is.
dope… you have garage space?
Nope, I believe that garage belongs to the engineering firm…
by the way, my windows are the two that are on and the two to the left. The apartment that is for rent is the door all the way to the left, and the window next to it.
Oh and FYI, there is a huge flat roof up there that would be great for parties, and an access ladder to a great fireworks spot on the main roof. Or so I’ve heard since the landlord said she doesn’t want anyone on the roof :mamoru:
good thing you didn’t move to ea… i never considered you to be a scammer
i will be bumping this thread in the next couple weeks, im moving to the exact same area, but i WILL NOT live in an apartment complex.
Let me know what you find out and if there are any extras you dont like/take.
that spot on lancaster is prime especially during the 4th of july. i live rite up the street off central. lived here my whole life and it aint so bad.
bump for this thread, looking myself. I have very good references and recently started a job as a salesman at buffalorv, so if theres any question, im legit.
If anyone is looking for a roomate i might consider that too, but i need to know your reasonable/not a diehard party addict (i like to party too, but i work 60+ hours a week.)
fuck, if I was in a financial position i would be blackout’s neighbor already lol…that would be a prime spot for me dammit!