Tonawanda. Studio appartments on Niagrafalls blvd next to an indoor go kart track. right near the thruway
for me thats way too far. i need to stay within 15 miles of the area code 14224.
^ when are you looking to move? I’ll have one open in mid June and another open for August 1st. Both 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Cheektowaga off of Cleveland Dr. The June one is $650 and the other is $625 per month.
asap strictly looking for on bedroom tho. not looking to pay for unused space and not interested on roommates really,
I’m moving from my place on Union in W Nucca. Small 2 bdrm, dishwasher.
Everything included except for electric, cable and interwebz.
The landlord isn’t super good at answering his phone.
500 month.
My aunt lived in that Lancaster central ave apartment building and it was amazing,such a cozy place with a ton of room.