WTB: 1200 or 1500 watt amp


Buy his battery they work great.


Where do you really think you’re going to find a 1500w amp for $100? The only amp you’ll find will be one of those cheesy ass Legacy amps that actually puts out a third of what its rate is.

Although capacitors are old school and basically obsolete, that statement right there is so false it’s not even funny. Capacitors have the ability to smooth the very choppy voltage coming off an alternator. A car battery can only do so much to smooth it out but capacitors do wonders since they can release energy much quicker. A smooth voltage is far superior to a choppy voltage. The only time a capacitor can even do harm is if some idiot hooks up a completely discharged one without using a charging resistor.

if you change your mind on the cap i got a 1 farad digital, just throwing that out there.

the way most system’s draw today, 1 farad is about as use full as peeing in the ocean, saying its going to rise

yea a cap is just putting more strain in your electrical system, your battery is tryin to charge the cap instead of power the amp… plain and simple caps are just ez money for shops…



i stiil need an amp

my buddy is selling is whole set up
his amp is a kicker SX1250.1 he also has the digital remote
its not going to be cheap

So are you looking for 1000rms or $150. I could help you out and find you a good deal. PM me