wtb 350 preferably w/vortec heads

God I can’t believe I just wasted 5 minutes of my time reading this. I hope you all fall in a puddle of AIDS after having just leaned against a cactus.

No idea on mileage. Best I can give you is proof that it runs and has compression. It’s still in the car…

Cost, not sure on that either. I was hoping to part with the engine and trans together…but if it were just the engine from carb to pan, with long tubes…probably about $500.

Agrread especially with low miles.

My dad found one for 750 with 80k miles.

But he spent 1600 and got one with no miles and 330hp and 360ftlbs.

With all the addons now it is at 450hp and i belive 490 ftlbs cant remember.

All i can say is it is a ballsy 350 vortec motor.


I dont trust you. As scattered as you are about what you want to build, I highly doubt you’ll have anything done anytime soon. Get your shit together man.

What makes you think a factory roller cam engine has roller rockers???
If you find a set of vortec heads that have more than 30,000m that are not cracked it would be amazing. No one buys used vortec heads. New from scroggin dickey (or whatever their name is) they are like 500ish. It would cost you more than that to redo used ones.
Of course this all from someone that doesnt know what a rocker roller is.
Steve i try hard not to give you shit but dude buy a honda, you are giving sbc guys a bad name

lol @ Pauly talking smack

lmao , i do to know what a roller rocker is, and im not buying a honda or any other import… at least not to replace the maro, mabe as a daily

First off why are worried about having roller rockers.they dont do squat for performance.Second if you cant afford to rebuild your engine i doubt you could afford a new roller performance cam.Your money would be better spent if you use want you have.It doesnt cost very much to rering and bearing an engine.I am willing to bet when you get an engine in it its going to be slow as piss because your trying to cut corners and build something without taking advise from other that know what they are taking about.

aaaaaaaannd, like I said…you wont have a car running under 10sec in the 1/8th maybe not at all at your rate.

You better read a few more books, get your hands a bit greasier, and TAKE IN the fuckin info people are telling you. Quit trying to find junkyard shit…Vortec heads are a good choice but, buy new ones ready to go, no junk yard shit that you’re going to just thow on your car. You are dillusional or retarded to think you’re going to have a relativly fast car when all you’re doing is trying to throw junk together to show people you have a …fast car…that isnt. Man, u make me sad for the youth.


anyone else have a 350?

You are just scared that dano is gonna rape you with that 350 he has you have to upgrade so that you can save your manhood, you finally realize that that 305 is a POS, to bad he scored a turbo 350

his cars not turbo bob, and his 350 is nothing special

a turbo 350 is a transmission. Fail

:rofl: This thread really does suck.

WOW, you really are retarded, normally I just think you are stupid, but this truely shoes how retarded you actually are



end your life!!! even i know what a turbo 350 is and im a silly import driver. please find a new hobby.


Thread has reached epic proportions

YES! Someone bashes “stuuped” and looks more retarded then him.

This thread should go to “off topic” and contiue going. Its fun (aggrivating at times) to read how nieve some people are.