WTB: Brass Knuckles

Wondering if anyone knows where i would be able to pick up a set. the older and heavier, the better. thanks in advance.

brass knuckles are real fucking BA.

i know. some rather sketchy things have happened to me while working in the last few days… id like to be able to defend myself with a weapon that can fit in my back pocket. only if absolutly necissary.

edit - and to punch you in the dick while you sleep.

you just got your hands on my mine :smiley:
and now want a set
Some of the one you order off ebay that are paper weights show up as metal and heavy

///////\ wtf? delivering pizza while wearing brass knuckles ftw.

hahahah not wearing while delivering… like umm…

random dudebro: give me all your money pizzaguy!
me: ah, fuck man, you got me… (reaches into pocket for “money”)

at whichpoint i would have the knuckles on, and punch him in his cocksucker. “so there” i would say. “so there.”

hahahahahaha “punch him in his cocksucker” nice. i think it would be funny if you just wore them all the time while you were delivering. now i’m thinking of doing it. it would just be nice to see people’s faces when you go to hand them change with the hand that has brass knuckles on it. is hamburg really that bad of an area that you feel the need for those things?

hahahha not at all. its just other areas, parts of lakeview, “low income” apartment complexes in the area, hotels especially… i’ve felt uneasy a few times in the past week or so, and i’d feel a lot safer if i had something in my pocket. not a knife, i dont think i could ever cut someone. but brass knuckles? i know i can hit someone hard.

nylon knuckles

I cant find them on ebay anymore

80% of the time the “nylon” shows up as metal

i could definitely use some brass knuckles at the trailor parks that i go to. not because i’m scared, but because those toothless cousin fuckers don’t tip. anyway, you can probably pick up those joints at super flea on walden. are those things legal?

flea market

^^ word. go to the biggest knife store and ask to look at paperweights.

Yep, I have personally seen this take place, few years ago, but worth a shot.


Make sure you give him a really big fake wink, and maybe whe you say paperweights throw up some big finger quotes. That will get you the good stuff.

Ever go to the Hull’s T.P. In silver creek?Don’t know if that’s within your area.

so your totally getting these to punch the mother fuckers that try to give you the generic $2 off large pizza coupon

fyi: ‘metal’ knuckles are highly illegal in NY. DON’T get caught with them.

ABS plastic knucks on the other hand… are a nice gray area in the eyes of the law. :smiley:

everything a guy could need right here: http://www.gunbroker.com/ :stuck_out_tongue:

hahahahhah that was funny as hell… i wonder if that coupon is still floating around here someplace…

how illegal? like i go to jail illegal? or like the cops take them away and let me go illegal? plastic knuckles? psssssssh. no man, i aint goin out like that.

Jam you wouldn’t hurt a fly.

you know what you should do, just start walking around with a gun in your belt. you can tell people that your investigating a crime or some shit and walk around like someone is after you all the time.

it’s the american way…

yes; like go to jail illegal. it’s a misdemeanor: criminal possession of a weapon in the fourth degree.

plastic knuckles > two shattered metacarpal. trust me. :frowning: