WTB: Cannon DSLR

Just saying, might as well post because we are looking for a cannon DSLR something like a T2i or similar for cheap or free.

Thanks !

Walmart has the T3 for $599 with a kit lens. Its NOT the same as the T3i. Takes videos, but only up to 720p.

ya that sounds like a huge POS

keep options coming … need 1080

How much are lookin to spend?


Saw a bunch on these on craiglist for free


Start bidding.

yea might have to bid, jammer is gonna drop the dough so it depends on him for the budget, but like I said… cheap or free is nice. We got music videos to do *****

Why not just get a Flip MinoHD for less then $200 if all you’re looking to do is HD video? I love mine.


I don’t see why you’d need still pictures while making music…so a DSLR is over kill in your application.

wtf u facepalming about ?

still pictures while making music ? wtf No dummy… dslr cameras make awesome video… better than video cameras for the money … get in touch with reality youtube a video test from a dslr camera to understand

heres a quote from the future:

its not overkill… you’re obviously not understanding that the video and the music have to be the same quality, and FYI if anything is overkill in that combination… it would be the music in comparison to the quality of slr video. not trying to be cocky about it… it just is. this isnt video for a pjb theme song, its real shit.

i already got all those little HD video cameras… they cool for what they are… i need professional grade quality video.

a cannon t2i would work fine.

A bit off topic but this entire music video was shot with Canon 7D’s: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTMrlHHVx8A

nah thats not offtopic at all, it shows why flip minis suck mini dicks

Yeah, it’s def true though. My iPhone also does 720p HD but nowhere near the quality of a DSLR that shoots HD. It’s all about the size of the sensor and the LENS attached. Audio quality isn’t bad on most of these cameras (even the iPhone) but an external mic is recommended for the DSLR’s.

Like so: http://www.dslrnewsshooter.com/2009/09/25/another-night-in-beijing-production-canon-eos7d-movie/

yeah, its about the sensor that converts the picture to digital, its called the CCD chip right? the bigger the more it can capture with lower light ? I’m not sure , im not an expert in this area particularly but i’ve read some shit a few years ago.

I dont care about mics and audio recording with these videos at all… that will be a rare occasion to start out with. I’de probably do an attachable rode mic to the camera tho (shotgun style)

that last video is cool but that dude is kinda creepy just to stand around and blank stare film people loloolol

To play devils advocate there have been PLENTY of music videos concentrating on creative content much more than production equipment that have been widely successful.

Equipment is only a small percentage of what goes into making a highly regarded artistic material.

Who were those “here we go again” guys on treadmills for example?

to play jesus’s father i’ll say this

totally understood vlad, thats why i took 3 minutes to create a thread shouting out the fac that we are looking to buy a DSLR.

As far as the creative part its been effectively under works for many years. We. Got. This.

Also, remember that a DSLR is NOT production equipment and is much much cheaper. That’s what a lot of videographers are moving to DSLR’s…because they are “cheap” in comparison to a full on HD Camcorders. Yes, they are much more then a flip or whatever other junk is out there claiming to be “HD” because it can produce an image of 1920x1080.

One of the season finales of TV show - House was shot in Dslr.

There is nothing that stops it from being production.

Does it have it’s limits? Yes. Are there are better products out there? As with everything else, yes.

Dave, I can name a few things that have been “years under work” with you :tongue

Good luck, I’m sure we will see the result sometime in the future.