doing a little searchy search i found a pic of the guy you just said has no knowledge on the topic. Nice Endo jespo!
Marcus, you sound stupid when you say things like “I highly doubt that” refering to a 600 not being able to outwheelie a 1000cc. I suppose in the land of power wheelies a 1000cc might be your weapon of choice. But for anyone who knows how to clutch up a wheelie, hit balance point, and keep control with throttle & rear brake, a 600 can wheelie all day long. Just because you can only get a 600 to popperwheelie a foot high doesnt mean thats the case for people who actually know how to ride. my .02
Let’s point of a few things you might have missed in the above novel. You said, a 600 can out-wheelie a liter bike. There is no right or wrong answer because this is dependent in the riders skills. If you find the g-spot, yes, you will be able to go on and on. And yes, I can ride wheelies…600’s, 750’s and 1000’s. Props to above pic but It’s not difficult to do a stopie. You make it sound like a 600CC bike is the best bike on the market. And yes, I did reply with “the guy you just said has no knowledge on the topic”. His douche-bag response deserved that reply. I can give two-shits what you or your buddies say or think. I am sure the posting individual has enough info to make the correct choice in search of his bike.