wtb engine ka24e

the car still running but i dont know for how long , i went thru the site and found out that another guy here had the same clicking noise commin from the valve cover… im thinking is the belt that is busted in there …so i dont know if i should get another ka since the new cool thing is a get a 200+ hp sr but honestly i just bought the car so i think i can live with out it for a bit …anyhow whats the better option get a replacement kit which i dont even know how much they go for or just get another ka …oh yeah another thing the engine right now feels real good… good response and power so any input would be greatly appreciated

if you mean belt by timing belt…we have timing chains not belts and some do make that sound…

sorry man i was into hondas back in the day … i just got my first nissan 240 coupe and have to admit that ass is sexy as helll… anyhow back on topic here lol … well i dont know about that being normal though like its loud enough to notice sooo i dont know i just dont want to start driving it and alll over the sudden splat… also just drove all the way from calgary here, and it ran fine with out a problem

i know mine makes a ticking sound and its the lifters…i ened to run some sea foam and get them cleaned up cuz they are sticking…could be that, try some sea foam, i hear it does wonders

sea foam huh well just a question where am i suppost to get that lol is not like we have an ocean hehehe so i guess i can get that a parts store or something

its not from the ocean lol…i know i can get it at RPM (napa) most other stores have it or a simaler product…ask about a de-carbonizer additive

ok im defenetly going to try that … but i dont know man it just sound sooo eratic , like there is no pattern at all with the nosie but engine is idling at 1000 RPM and when it makes all that noise it doesnt affect the rpm or anything … is just base weird. anyone else have .02cent to put into this will be appreciated

also…check yoru oil it might be low…real low

i think u have to replace the timing chain

thats what im thinking as well … but where in edmonton could i go to get that fix and around how much? cause i think if it wa a lifter there would be some what of a pattern

its takes a LONG time to change a timing chain on a KA24…not worth it…besides, i highly doubt its your timing chain wrecked, its pretty uncommon for them to break (unlike a timing belt) thats why i love these motors :smiley: lol…good luck with it tho…hopefully its not anything serious, keep us updated after you try the sea foam :partyman:

not to scare you or anything…but id say first off CHECK YOUR OIL my car made this sound. i heard a ticking kinda sound from under the valve cover and next thing i know my valves seized and had to replace the engine.

^ i heard that noise once too…low oil, just added some and wen ton my way, never heard it since

well i get the car this thursday comming up … thats when im going to check the oil and stuff and see if i can get some of that sea foam additive and keep you guys updated on it for sure thanks for the input. just in case i still wouldnt mind knowing where i can go to get an engine for it and shop that could swap it.