You can get 400WHP out of the RB20 pretty easily, just as easy as the RB25. And with the RB20 you can flash the ECU, unlike the RB25.

Just saying the aftermarket isnt there compared to your motor

Guys we have been telling Ernie this since the beginning of time over at 518carscene. He doesnt want to listen, he’d rather be unique and keep having to rock his aveo or a ka in whatever 240 he uses summer after summer.
Ernie for the love of baby turtles, get a rb25 or sr20 and actually have a car with a aftermarket or one that runs. OR keep wasting money on motors that are over 20 years old and come with shittastic ceramic turbo’s

VH45DE swap it if you want the rarity factor.
I like the SR, only reason i hate it is the OMG, you hava a sr in there? NO MOTHER FUCKER I DONT!.

deep breath… and 3…2…1…

GL on the search.

I thought you didn’t post on this site?

Okay first off I bought the car with the motor IN IT. I did not choose the swap. But it was done and I was mislead that it just needed a couple interior panels and a fuel line.

Since I DIDN’T go blind from contact solution I dont have money for much of anything and I’m sure all 240 owners except Steve can relate to that.

I wasn’t planning on more than 325-350 whp out of the RB20 anyways. So it fit my plans.

The LSD is practical. Bad example. SR20 is not any more “practical” than an RB. One is just as capable as the other. Yes having to order many things from Japan or California gets annoying but so what? It’s MY choice and I don’t complain about that.


I found a SOHC manifold for $380 shipped. I’mma do it.

A SOHC manifold for what?

Oh yeah? Your car would of been running 2 summers ago if you just went with an SR like we all suggested. Where’s your practicality now?

Head gasket blew. That can happen to an SR OR an RB so what is your point?

My point is that you had 3042537297723 problems with that motor, so did Scotty when he owned it, and so did Drew when he owned it before that. Don spend 2 years straight trying to figure that piece of shit motor out. So yes…it would of been faaaaaar more practical to swap in an SR from day one.

I would get another RBXX and part out whats good from the RB20. But if you want a problem free swap you can’t cut corners and don’t just buy a crap load of parts off of ebay. You have to do it right the first time with OEM or good name brand replacements.


This car is such a filthy whore, I woulda completely tore it down and built it back up if I knew of such whoreness that my car was subjected to

You pretty much have to do that to every 240 if you want it to be reliable :lol

It was a whore way before that lol it was sold at auct6ion for like $350 with a blown tranny or engine I cant remember which and the guy who bought it there sold it to someone who sold it to Drew who did the swap.