WTB: rwd shell. e30, s10, camaro, 240sx, chevette, ranger etc.

thats all you have on me is that im fwd…but what you dont know is im rwd in reverse and your fwd. stick that in your pipe and smoke it

lol i also got you on reliability

um maybe you forgot i own a 1994 Toyota Supra aka Corolla…ya safe and reliable. i might just crash it because ill be safe and it will be reliable to get me to the accident

ill speak for newman he is looking for a 1930’s pick up OR a 1992 ford tempo either will work, thanks

maybe Zwarbyt will sell you his rampage Shell…hahaha

are there RWD buicks? that would make a SWEET fucking shell

other than the GN, yes. There is the 91-96 Park Avenue (caprice chassic) Then there are the 80s shells. Pre 88. When they were still huge and boxy. They had rwd. but all 3 of those are rather heavy for what i think he wants.

and if your being fecitious i dont really care.

get a datsun 510

95 buick roadmaster woody wagon



I have some pics of the other seat, if brent dosnt have any.

E30 crew

you shouldn’t even start this project

lol, why not?

the key factor in selling my last one was waiting 8 months or so for main/rod bearings… that really killed my motivation. I just wanted something to drive…

Now i have 2 cars to drive… and find myself increasingly bored at night.

Also, the motor is already in WNY.

sell the motor, pay off CC debt

car most likely will be sold in the spring, and i still should have cc paid off by spring. I am selling the elise kit for 4000, which is just a touch shy of what this project will run.

Another RB? Or :snky:

then hurry up and buy it

i said the same thing dan lol id put the money into the scoobie or lotus

1986 326rb > sti > lotus

30’s pickup RB26 > anything else you can think off