first of all, you won’t second of all he better not
I have a 02 YZF600R id sell for 3k, just put on New tires, chain, sprockets (stock gearing) new clutch kit (right be fore it went away for winter so 0 miles on them), only mod is a D&D pipe and strobs, I used it for commuting bought it from a kid I worked at UPS with who also used it for commuting. been down once on each side. I put sliders on when I bought it but where not there when it was dropped
really fun bike, super reliable and good on gas.
in the process of buying a house, next to willybeen :snky: or I wouldn’t sell
i probably won’t. but, seriously, i might. the thought of having even more cash to throw into the market at this point is enticing. or maybe more rental property. not sure. i would miss it, but if someone were to buy it, i would probably survive (no pun intended).
Thanks for the posts boys and girls. i have a few leads at the moment and will be checking some of them out this weekend. Will keep you posted.
Oh ya lol at the R6 comments. Ill just leave it at that. I was only ever impressed by one R6 ever. Granted the Riders ability was damn near at the limit of the bike.
The 636 is a lot of fun, Paulos bike was a lot of fun too 600rr. I’m with Will, i hate GSXR’s they just aren’t for me. I would never buy a Yamaha either. Like Chris said, wait till March or so when people start trying to sell their bikes to upgrade, you will find some amazing deals.
PS: Sam’s bike is REALLY nice you should buy it :tup:
I’ll sell my bike. I’ve been pondering a diff brand.
2001 gsxr 600
second owner
8k miles
clean title
2 new ppower (550m on em)
new puig windscreen
stupid clean and stock
shit ton of ppwork including factory manual
never down
In you’re price range (right around 4k…PM me)
pics are here somewhere but I’m at work…
05 zzr600 (zx6r ninja) 5k miles.
$5000. Very clean, never down.
'97 suzuki Bandit 600 (has the GSXR engine)
everything on it works perfect
$2200 OBO
It is too fast for my needs and I am going to pick up a new dual sport so this thing must go.
Peeps should post pics of theyre ish they wanna sell. I am also on the fence bout gettin back on two wheels, would be nice to know whats out there-WITH price.
I guessd that by your pic;). Or is that a regular 6r?
Going to try to stay away from the Yamaha camp for now. My last bike as fat as it was really made me like kawasaki. That and i have allways had a chub for the zx7’s but havent seen any reasonably priced around here (meaning ruffalo)in months.
I absolutely love the 636 though. Im trying to get a hold of a person that has one for sale (friend of mine told me about it but the dude isnt answering his phone).
ones with a wet clutch are super gay.
the 6r is the 636 model, the 6rr is the 599cc model. also, why would you spend the premium on a heavier bike *7r Vs a 6r to have less power, more weight, a dated design, less parts available, less reliable, also no FI only carbs on a 7r, and the price is pretty much the same. unless you can find a clean 7r for 2k id go 636 alllllll day.
04gsxr600 needs some fairings. 3k 11k miles
i like! plus it will be cheaper on insurance since its older/ not a gsxr
Honestly for the same reason that I like the SRAD. For the aesthetics of the bike. I have always liked that look.
Though from a mechanical and power to weight ratio point of view the 636 has them beat all day long.
I loved my 636, not sure if i liked my buddies 06 better than my 03 though
05-06 636 was the favorite bike i ever owned hands down. mine was set up perfectly and i loved it :sadface:
i still have my bike for sale $5,000
Yeah, I pay $150/year and I am 21.
^im guessing liability only?
my zx-10 with full coverage and myself as a 23 yr old is only 400 and something. Bike insurance isnt too bad if you arent an idiot with a ton of claims and tickets.
Ie. liability only for me is 130 a year, liability and comp and 240, full coverage is like 460 i think.
When i got my first street bike (2000 ninja zx-6r), liability was 210 for a year, they wouldnt let me just do comp and liability (most companies I checked) and full coverage was nearly 3 grand… its so nice that things have changed.