thanks ill take that as a compliment! yeah its coming along I guess… Diff is in back there, wheel bearings and plates machined and might be mocked up tonight actually.
in order of importance:
- 01E/X transmission is still somewhat weak, and still produced by VW/Audi.
- said transmission still costs a lot of money.
- haldex needs to be welded or controlled.
- 2 more cv shafts, 1 more drive shaft with bearing support needed, entire rear knuckles and floor pan would be needed.
- its been done before in gti’s all the time.
- more weight, more moving pieces, more potential headaches and broken parts.
- more power robbing parasitic loss
- more money over all
- much more time involved in the swap
When people see this thing they will realize how simple and effective it all will be. Power, weight and traction = speed. Less shit to break, less shit to flex and move about… its all for the better.
annnd, when I wheelie by you from a dig in your EVOOHHHHH, ill just smile.