WTBH: i need a job

im looking for a job preferibly in the hamburg area…let me know

me too, in the southtowns area… ill join this club

Where’s the sign up for the club? I got #3 spot covered :rofl:

what can u do. what experiences do u have

be a little more specific…what kind of job? mcdonalds? or are we talking a little more classy- like dennys?

make a resume, post it on monster, start applying.

I just want something part time. 30hrs a week would be nice, but I would need to be able to take off a day or two if every once in a while. I can do pretty much anything that isnt a skilled trade unless it deals with build things (except out of metal).

im not extremely desperate yet…but i did apply at the hamburg tunpike tonight…so almost getting desperate, i am a certified lifegaurd but most of those jobs are snatched up…no food related jobs at all,unless its beer

ANDO. havent seen you in a while. stop by the ritz more often.

gl finding a job mang.
