wtf, charged tax twice @ M&M

2 tires - 16.70
2 rim cores - 20
environmental - 2
taxable - 4.95
environmental - .50
muffler - 7.95
environmental - .50

subtotal - 52.60
tax - 4.60
total - 4.60

wtf is that “taxable” all about? i did the math and its added in as part of the subtotal

and for that matter, how do they charge an environmental fee on a muffler ? (not that i really care about that $.50)

i miss the young kid that used to be there, gave me great deals. they have been a rip off lately

my pockets give me good deals :slight_smile:

today i wore my work jacket in hopes of stuffing it full of stuff, its so shredded and burnt that youd never spot a glove box door or brake rotor stuffed in my waisteband … but no such luck today

lmao i know i bring a backpac and put my “tools” in there

it’s m&m. . .

lol judging by half the ppl that work there… i’m sure simple math doesn’t need to be on your resume

Are you guys seriously bragging about being a couple of thieves?

Especially at a cheap ass junk yard…

this says wtf i am on welfare and steal junk

“taxable” just means it’s not in their computer, so the part name isn’t printed. They sold you a xxx for $4.95. I hate those fucking receipts, you can’t read them, I liked the old ones that I could actually look what I bought and was charged. And I’m pretty sure that environmental fee on each item thing is BS. I was told they only have to charge that in NY state on something that holds fluids, like a transmission or something. Other yards don’t charge it.

The environmental fee could be for the 2 tires.Tires usually have a $2.00 charge though.

yea, the environmental charge is BS, i get charged a fee if i drop off a tire someplace, but the JY never charges me an environmental fee for dropping off an aluminium rim, lol

in fact, i think they pay me… cant be certian though … lol

and that explains the “taxable” too … it was the lil plastic cover my dad grabbed for his van. 5 fucking dollars for that ?

did anyone that went there today find a black motorola 2-way radio? i fucking lost one.

lost one as in dropped it, or lost one as in “coulda swore i set it right here before i turned my back” ?

option one , its on the ground
option two, someone stoled it

last time i brought a bucket of tools there i turned around for a few moments and stuff disappeared, just didnt realize it till i got home and put everything away.


I bring a whole wagon full of stuff any nobody touches it. I leave it right in the middle of the aisle. I think people are afraid of getting caught pawing though it. Small tool boxes seem to disappear as soon as you turn your back.

man, i don’t miss going to that yard

Yeah I was in there once, total waste.
One of the worse you pull it yards I’ve been too.

oh, was tha you there today? i was with josh, i dropped the radio we were looking for.

breakdr 1 -45

the hits just keep on coming…