wtf, charged tax twice @ M&M

I was there Monday pulled a motor and forgot to grab the sparkplug wires next to it on the ground, went back the next day because I realized I needed them, had to pay $2 to get back in and $4 for the wires when I just explained to the lady I was there yesterday and bought a motor but forgot something.

I take switches all the time, little odds and ends. By no means am I poor, its just convenient to put it in your pocket and forget about it.

Thats was me, what up. I looked for that but didn’t see it, I think it walked away.

my tool kit grew legs and walked away from there last week.

confused… so you steal parts from a junkyard, and then complain when they charge you 5 bucks that you dont know bout??

ironic… people like you is why i hate society some times

i need a bunch of 30 amp maxi fuses (the big ones) if anyone is going soon.

i havent been there in a while. What ever became of shooter? I hear he isnt around anymore?

ha i brought my tools there once and left them next to the car i was in and some scum just walked right up to my tool box and tried taking tools. I said wtf are you doing? “i thought there were the junkyards” fucking retards