WTF internet?

don’t bother calling the customer service number…it’s a waste of time…

i posted a repost before i saw this thread, but in it i explained my experience with that number…

you call it, it asks for your home number. you push 1 for high speed internet, you push 1 again for technical support…and they know their shit is all fucked up, so they dont even want to deal with you…rather, they have a pre-recorded message that just plays to you saying we know your computer is fucked, try restarting it…try restarting the modem…we’re working on it…

and the funniest thing (and more frustrating) was that they say, if restarting it doesn’t work…sit tight…try restarting it every now and then…to see if something that didnt fix it now, and didn’t fix it last night…might fix it 15 minutes from now…