WTF: Unauthorized paypal payment request (I think I got scammed)

If someone requests money from you, I thought they can’t get it unless you authorize it.

So how the fuck did someone request 2500 Kronos ($350CAD) from me?

And just a moment ago, I got an email from PayPal saying the transaction was completed.

I got onto my PayPal account and it said the payment was accepted.


Security breach?

I just filed a PayPal complaint as I have no idea how this happened.

I googled the guy’s name and it’s this guy:

crazy man
I hope it gets solved quickly


I thought it was spoof emails until I logged into PayPal and saw the transaction.

If it helps he looks like your stereotype hacker.

have you ever dealt with this guy before?

Total stranger. This is totally out of the blue.

Anywho I’m waiting on PayPal to see what their complaint dept has to day.

Just changed my PayPal and Email accounts.

ya paypal should sort it out but it will take a bit of time.

add him to you list of friends, the bash the fuck out of him


call paypal… they have a reasonably good service dept now.

i actually got a phone call when someone did this to me.

They should be able to tell how this guy signed in, and since they didnt call you he likely signed in in a similar fashion as you do (ie. not answering security questions from a distan IP)… i don’t think our beloved webmaster should be admitting to being had like this…lol

sure it’s happened to me, but what the hell do i know about computers.

I don’t think you should have a problem getting your money back; Paypal deals with these problems quite well. This happened to me a while back and it was all resolved without any problems. You should probably just make a new Paypal account instead of changing the password, btw. Mine ended up being locked anyway so I pretty much had to.

S14zenki: Good idea. Do I still need to call PayPal tonight or should I just wait it out on the complaint I filed?

BTW, the $ that was taken was what I had as left over, in my account; I don’t think any went out from Visa.

Bing No one’s stealing our database with the passwords I’ve been using for SON :squint: Do it

I’d suggest giving them a call rather than waiting on an e-message. It took a whole 15 minutes to connect, talk, and explain, my situation to a rep. within the next few days everything was sorted out.

I was advised to change my account however, he said that there may have been a possibility of another “attack” on my bank account, linked from PayPal.

and i thought pay pal was safe as shit…oh dammmmn.

i don’t know what to say really.

good luck?!?

What the fuck… Ive never heard of that happening… I hope it gets sorted out… and luckily it wasnt like $10,000…

fuk he’s not local, lives in sweden. thats unfortunate…

When I go the first email I had to check…

1.00 SEK = 0.150956 CAD :mamoru:

Then it was for real :cry:

Anywho, I have to wait at least 10-business days for a resolution; hopefully it’s in my favour.

I’m gonna fight this thing till I win :squint:

their minimum wage jobs must kick our asses. I mean im apparently making 7SEKs and hr. shizzzer. I think thats what it works out to. Don’t worry Gonad. MY dad had an online business back in the days when it first operated before ebay bought them. And my dad lost lots of money… So yea. i dont use it eitehr :stuck_out_tongue: