wtfbbq i can has problems

ok so i think i finally learned my lesson. after numerous speeding tickets this year including having my car searched multiple times, being handcuffed, exhaust tickets, police scanner ticket, various moving violations, ect. i reached 12 tickets so far in just this year. wtf! :lol i just came home to more party lights, got hit 54/35 no inspection and had my machete wedged between my center console. He didnt care for my answer of “using it against people for self defense” :frowning: All in all i just had to vent as my dumbass cant keep my foot out of it:Idiots


Wow…i’ve got 3 tickets in the 8 years ive been driving…I cant even imagine what your insurance is like!

damn dude you have the same luck i used to have i had 14 tickets in one month for speeding when i was 18 then 11 the next month, then they took my licence for 5 years

dick sitting by the old trooper station? i hate that guy!

and atleast you werent sporting the seer catcher while machete was in car!
i read quick and thought you said you put your mustash (sp?) in your center console. i was gunna say. :lol


LOL insurance only knows about the 2 tickets i got 2 years ago so far.

nah it was on the turnpike, and i kinda wished i still had the deer catcher, most cops thought it was amusing and would let me off easy or nothing at all.

you never cease to amaze me.

lol dude stop being a dumbass

now see why i want a slow ass truck?:ponder

a fuckin machette :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl damn dude what happened to the days of a bat or or tireiron

A Buick Century isnt exactly a race car though

like that’s going to stop you from doing dumb shit? exactly, it’s not. you’re going to go from speeding tickets to getting pulled over for offroading and doing lawn jobs where you’re not supposed to!

Maybe he spends alot of time in Amsterico?

Ive got a tire iron within reach in my truck.

oh dont mistake the truck and car have goodies in em but fuck dude no machette


the machete is in timeout in the trunk for a while :lol

by the way john im gonna make my way to see you this week if i get outta work early enough.

get ahold of me kid ill take care of shit

your right the only other option is to get my balls surgically removed:shifty

so its running? I figured you were driving the Buick

gatville your fucking gangsta, u need to chill with other gangsters like me, so we can MACKITONSOMEHOS