WTFind: Some to install Sirius in my car

Like the title says I am looking for a good place to get my Sirius installed. I imagine there are some people on here who do great work. If anyone can refer me to a good source, that would be awesome


isnt it just teh reciever? a cigarette lighter adapter and an antenna?

yes it is, but i dont wanna run it thru the cigarette lighter adapter…i want it reciever hardwired

U could cut the ends…and wire it to any 12v constant like hte cigarette lighter wires and splice it in

y use a constant and and not a accessory?

you can use either or it doesn’t matter. how much power do you think that lil box draws when its not on anyways.

if your still looking for someone to do it pm me

<<<<<< adictd2b00st

Siriously?? haha, (I love that pun). I would go to accessory power, possibly to the radio or ignition.

hard wireing isnt difficult. pm gotdubd, i dont know how often hes on here but he does good work :tup:

I like the constant because the unit has an on/off button…and well I like that button

Alot of those arnt 12 volt outputs on the plug and play systems, alot of them are 6 volt so you cant just cut the cigarette end off and hardwire it FYI

most of the sirius are 12v, alot of the XM are 6v

I know, my point is that if your gonna to cut the end off and hard wire it into the car, just make sure its a 12volt plug and not 6. More than likey his is 12v, but I dont wanna see the dude fry his system.